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    Cisco is a leading manufacturer of networking devices such as modems, wireless routers, and network storage devices. Cisco products are sold worldwide to millions of consumers for both residential and commercial purposes. Cisco also markets a number of data plans for some of the largest Internet Service Providers in the world.

    What is is the default IP address of the control panel found on all Cisco routers and devices. Users can access this control panel by entering into any web browser’s address bar. The user will then be prompted for his/her username and password, which will be the default information printed on the bottom of the Cisco router if the user has never accessed this control panel before.

    How to Change a Cisco Router Password

    While the Cisco default IP address cannot be changed, users do have the ability to change their password in order to prevent unauthorized persons from accessing the router by using the default information. Users can do this by logging into the Cisco router and opening the Configuration menu. From there, the user can change his/her password by entering the old password and creating a new one. If the user cannot find the Configuration menu, he/she can run the Setup Wizard, which provides the same option.

    How to Reset Cisco Password

    If the user has forgotten his/her password, he/she can reset the Cisco router or device by pushing any small, pointed object into the “Reset” button found on the bottom of the device. This will erase all content and configuration settings on the Cisco router and allow the user to access the control panel by entering the default information.

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