Unix Shell Scripting Tutorials - Tech-FAQ
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    Unix Shell Scripting Tutorials

    This Unix shell scripting tutorial provides samples and instructional materials that are easy to understand and useful for Unix shell scripting. It also offers illustrated samples that will helps users explore different avenues of Unix shell scripting.


    Bourne Shell Programming Tutorial

    Learn how to use the Unix shell with this comprehensive Bourne Shell Programming/Scripting Tutorial. It contains many example codes with explanations.

    Heiner’s SHELLdorado

    This Unix shell scripting resource contains numerous coding examples. It has a section on “Good Coding” as well as a long list of tips and tricks categorized for different expertise levels.

    Bourne Shell (sh) Programming Guide

    Aimed at beginning script programmers, this comprehensive Bourne tutorial aims to teach how to write BourneShell scripts of moderate complexity.

    comp.unix.shell Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) list

    This highly authoritative newsgroup FAQ answers a number of questions related to Unix shell scripting. It is useful for both beginners and advanced users.

    Writing Shell Scripts

    This introductory tutorial teaches how to write shell scripts that will allow users to “unlock the power” of their machine.

    R2’s Shell Tutorials

    This link contains a set of tutorials that covers topics that range from basic shell concepts and shell syntax to functions and debugging. The website also includes a code repository.

    Unix Bourne Shell Scripting

    Unleash the power of the Unix machine by learning how to write and run Bourne shell scripts. Using this easy to understand tutorial, users will be able to automate tasks such as software installation and backups and increase their general knowledge of UNIX.

    Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide

    This tutorial covers the subject of bash scripting in depth through numerous examples and exercises. It does not assume any previous knowledge of programming or scripting.

    PHP For Shell Scripts

    This tutorial, hosted at PHPBuilder.com, teaches how to use the PHP language for shell automation.

    Videos Related to Unix Shell Scripting:

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    1. debendra nath panigrahi

      28 June, 2012 at 3:57 pm

      please give some real time example of shell scripting which we r using day to days activities in office

    2. Daniel Memenode

      13 October, 2010 at 9:56 pm

      Originally posted by stopher1999: “I recently downloaded cygwin to do my assignments for my unix class. I have to be able to use the chmod command in order to complete my assignment but, for some reason or other it chmod will not work for me. I’m using a bash shell can anyone give me some insight on this?”

      See this in the Cygwin FAQ.

      Also note that it’s possible to run full blown UNIX or Linux under Windows so you don’t have to deal with Cygwin, and can have full UNIX or Linux instead. You can use virtualbox to virtualize BSD or Linux within windows. See this post for help with that.

    3. chris

      12 October, 2010 at 4:24 am

      I recently downloaded cygwin to do my assignments for my unix class. I have to be able to use the chmod command in order to complete my assignment but, for some reason or other it chmod will not work for me. I’m using a bash shell can anyone give me some insight on this?

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