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    • What is Sonic Update Manager?

      What is Sonic Update Manager?

      Sonic Update Manager is a secondary application that is included in the Sonic RecordNow software, a program that allows users to create CDs and DVDs. While Sonic RecordNow does not usually cause problems, Sonic Update Manager is often considered a nuisance because it continuously displays a message asking the user to insert the Sonic installation

    • IIR Filter

      IIR Filter

      An IIR (Infinite Impulse Response) filter is a foundation element in Digital Signal Processing (DSP). It is one of two types of digital filters used in DSP applications and is an alternative to Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filters. The response in IIRs is considered infinite since there is feedback in the filter and they may

    • How to Download Music

      How to Download Music

      Many people obtain music from illegal sources, which has arguably helped cripple the recording industry. This has, of course, led to aggressive lawsuits and new laws and procedures concerning how these people and their sources are treated. The entire situation can be avoided, however, if people use legal music sources instead. Most legal sources aren’t

    • HDMI Splitter

      HDMI Splitter

      A High Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI) signal is sent through an HDMI cable. It is designed to be used with extra high resolution video feeds coming from DVD, Bluray, etc., which are then routed to a compatible viewing screen such as a television or computer monitor. HDMI cables are capable of different speeds based on

    • How to Watch TV Online

      How to Watch TV Online

      There are a lot of alternatives to cable television thanks to the Internet, and not all of them cost money or require you to register for viewing. As with any broadcast service, channel selection, picture quality, and the ability to pick and choose specific shows varies with what service you connect to. Delivery Options There

    • How to Build a Home Theater

      How to Build a Home Theater

      The concept of a home theater is excellent if you want to enjoy the cinema experience from the comfort and convenience of your home. If you are looking to build your own home theater, here are some recommendations. Choose a Room The size and location of your room will have definite consequences on how and

    • Projector Lumens

      Projector Lumens

      Projectors have quite a variety of uses these days, whether in the boardroom or classroom to give a presentation, or the home to project digital, high definition TV and video to a screen. While there are many aspects that determine whether a projector will project high quality images (e.g. resolution, contrast, etc.), one type of

    • What Are the HDTV DirecTV Satellite Tuners?

      What Are the HDTV DirecTV Satellite Tuners?

      DirecTV uses HDTV tuners from a wide variety of equipment manufacturers. DirecTV DirecTV Receivers DirecTV HR10-250 (HD DVR) DirecTV H10 DirecTV H20 Hughes DirecTV Receivers HNS HIRD-E86 HNS HTL-HD HNS SD-HBH LG DirecTV Receivers LG LSS-3200A Mitsubishi DirecTV Receivers Mitsubishi SR-HD5 Panasonic DirecTV Receivers Panasonic TU-HDS20 Philips DirecTV Receivers Philips DSHD800 ProScan DirecTV Receivers Proscan

    • PocketDISH


      The PocketDISH is a great way to store your favorite TV shows, videos, photos, music, in fact almost any digital media, onto a portable device that can fit in any small bag or pocket. The PocketDISH is created to work with the Dish Network Satellite TV service; however, if you are not a subscriber to

    • VideoGuard


      VideoGuard is an encryption method that NDS produced. It is used for conditional broadcasting services such as broadband television and the Internet. Since satellites, radio towers, and all other broadcasting equipment broadcast signals without discretion to which subscribers receive them, VideoGuard is necessary in order to distinguish which television channels, Internet features, and other services subscribers are

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