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    • The Best Satellite Dish

      The Best Satellite Dish

      There is no “one” best satellite dish. The best satellite dish for you depends upon several factors. Satellite Dish Size The larger the satellite dish, the better it will receive signals. Therefore, the largest satellite dish available is always the best satellite dish — except that few of us want a nine foot satellite dish

    • Multimedia


      Multimedia is simply multiple forms of media integrated together. Media can be text, graphics, audio, animation, video, data, etc. An example of multimedia is a Mozart web page that has text regarding the composer, an audio file of some of his music, and even a video of his music being played in a hall. Besides

    • DVI HDTV Connector

      DVI HDTV Connector

      DVI stands for Digital Visual Interface, it delivers uncompressed video signals from the device to HDTV, digital monitors and DLP projectors. DVI can be found on DVD players (both high definition and standard), computer video cards and many cable and satellite boxes. DVI is a fairly new connection standard being used and can deliver high

    • MP3


      MP3 (MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3) is a digital audio encoding format that uses a lossy compression algorithm. Although the algorithm used is lossy in nature, the sound quality of the MP3 file is very good. An average listener cannot tell the difference between the MP3 file and the original uncompressed audio file. The lossy compression

    • Is there a Dish Network TiVo?

      Is there a Dish Network TiVo?

      The TiVo is compatible with all Dish Network receivers that support IR control. IR control is provided all recent Dish Network receivers. However, there is no need to purchase a TiVo. Dish Network provides satellite receivers with built in DVR (Digital Video Recorder) capabilities. Dish Network provides two models of DVR receivers, one for standard

    • DirecTV Extensions

      DirecTV Extensions

      Sometimes when your DirecTV system is malfunctioning, a message will appear on your television screen asking you to call a DirecTV extension. Here are the meanings of those DirecTV extensions. DirecTV Extension Explanation 711 Customer account is set-up but the system has not been activated (which is called a partial activation) 721 Channel is not

    • How to Use a Sony Walkman MP3 Player

      How to Use a Sony Walkman MP3 Player

      Before you can use your Sony Walkman MP3 player, you have to set it up and get music onto the device. To do this, insert the installation disc into the computer. Follow the installation to the end so that your computer can recognize the device, but also so that the SonicStage software is installed–this is

    • 1440p


      As the demand for higher video quality increases, the video technologies that are available will also improve. Several video technology companies are producing televisions that are capable of showing high resolution images in the 1440p range, which is a 1440 pixel vertical resolution. So, with the standard 16:9 resolution format, a 1440p television would be

    • How to Copy Slides to Disk

      How to Copy Slides to Disk

      If you have been enjoying photography for more than a few years, you probably have plenty of slides taken with analog cameras. Before digital photography, slides were a great way to view photos en masse. They were very small, making them light and portable and perfect for slide shows in homes, classrooms, and auditoriums. However,

    • How Do I Download Music Onto an MP3 Player?

      How Do I Download Music Onto an MP3 Player?

      Adding songs to an MP3 player is easy, no matter which type of an MP3 player you have. There are several ways to do this. Traditional Method The easiest method of transferring music to an MP3 player is to simply plug your MP3 player into your computer and go to “My Computer”  (the icon is

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