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    • How to Print to a File

      How to Print to a File

      When a document or other item is printed to a file instead of a local or networked printer, it allows the file to be saved in a format that can be used by a different printer. Information such as page and line breaks, font spacing, and other layout information is saved when printing a document

    • How to Adjust Laptop Fan Speed

      How to Adjust Laptop Fan Speed

      A laptop’s fan speed can influence the computer’s consistency and reliability. A laptop’s fan can be slowed down or sped up based on specific circumstances such as the amount of times the laptop is used. Slowing down the fan’s speed can be useful for reserving processes if the computer is not used often. On the

    • Hyper-Threading


      Hyper-Threading technology is a technique that enables a single CPU to act like multiple CPUs. A CPU is made up of many smaller components. At any given time, one of these components might be busy, while the other components are waiting to be utilized. Hyper-Threading enables different CPU parts to work on different tasks concurrently.

    • L1 Cache

      L1 Cache

      The L1 cache refers to the first tier in a computer processor’s memory cache system that increases the speed at which the processor delivers results to the user. The L1 cache sits between the processor and the computer’s RAM (Random Access Memory) and stores the user’s most accessed data in order for the processor to

    • How to Repair a Broken Hard Disk

      How to Repair a Broken Hard Disk

      Broken hard disks can be both a nuisance and a major loss to business and personal affairs whenever files are lost or inaccessible. Fortunately, there are several things users can do to repair a broken hard disk before throwing it out in order to restore lost or inaccessible files.   Let the Hard Disk Cool

    • SAN (Storage Area Network)

      SAN (Storage Area Network)

      A SAN (Storage Area Network) is a network specifically dedicated to the task of transporting data for storage and retrieval. SAN architectures are alternatives to storing data on disks directly attached to servers or on Network Attached Storage (NAS) devices that are connected through general purpose networks. In order to meet the storage system’s demands,

    • USB Pinout

      USB Pinout

      The Universal Serial Bus (USB) interface connects peripherals in a variety of ways. These peripherals include the standard and non-standard computer mouse, keyboards, gaming controllers, scanners, printers, digital cameras, hard disks, CD/DVD-Rom drives, card media devices, music devices, speakers, and networking components. A variety of other devices that use USBs as well as devices that

    • Dual Core

      Dual Core

      A dual core processor is part of a category called multi-core processors. These computer processors have more than one independent processor on the chip or package. In the case of a dual core processor, the entire chip has two independent computer processors that can work together to increase total computer performance. For non-technical consumers, dual

    • Power Converter

      Power Converter

      A power converter is a power supply unit (PSU) that not only delivers energy to an electronic device from an electrical outlet, but also regulates the current to meet the devices specific requirements. If you have any type of sophisticated electronics such as computers, laptops, high end audio equipment, cell phones etc, the odds are

    • VGA Splitter

      VGA Splitter

      If you have ever wanted to display the same image or video on two or more separate monitors, you can understand the need for a VGA splitter. VGA splitters are great for home theater projectors that are used in classrooms and home theaters as they allow you to continue using your desktop while you fiddle

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