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    • What Are the Advantages of a Tablet PC?

      What Are the Advantages of a Tablet PC?

      A tablet PC is a laptop or slate-formed mobile computer that is outfitted with a touchscreen or screen that can be controlled with a digital pen or stylus, or via finger touch.  A tablet PC does not require a keyboard or mouse. End-users can directly key in data on a tablet PC. It also offers

    • What is a Pneumatic Actuator?

      What is a Pneumatic Actuator?

      A pneumatic actuator is a device that is capable of converting energy from a pressurized gas into motion. There are several different types of pneumatic actuators and each of them are designed in a slightly different way. Pneumatic actuators can be used to produce both rotary and linear motion and are usually powered by an

    • Breakout Box

      Breakout Box

      A breakout box is a device in which a multi-cable electric line is split into its component cables in order to allow for testing or signal enhancement. There are two main types of breakout boxes. They include breakout boxes that are built to enhance or customize audio or visual signals and breakout boxes that are

    • PCMCIA


      PCMCIA stands for Personal Computer Memory Card International Association, an international standards body and trade association based in San Jose, California. Founded in 1989, PCMCIA aimed to create a standard for connecting peripherals to portable computers. PCMCIA developed the PC Card. PC Card or PCMCIA Card PC Cards are credit card sized removable devices designed

    • ROM (Read Only Memory)

      ROM (Read Only Memory)

      Read-Only Memory or ROM is an integrated-circuit memory chip that contains configuration data. ROM is commonly called firmware because its programming is fully embedded into the ROM chip. As such, ROM is a hardware and software in one. Because data is fully incorporated at the ROM chip’s manufacture, data stored can neither be erased nor

    • Fibre Channel

      Fibre Channel

      Fibre Channel is a set of standards for connecting storage devices in a fabric network. The Fibre Channel standard identifies a protocol and a collection of physical interfaces for managing computer peripheral components. This standard’s key purpose is managing large numbers of storage devices. Fibre Channel uses serial interfaces working at symbol rates from 133MB/s

    • How to Identify a Motherboard

      How to Identify a Motherboard

      Computer users who intend to own their computer for a prolonged period of time should be able to identify the computer’s motherboard in order to conduct upgrades. The motherboard type affects computer BIOS upgrades, new CPU installations, and determines the maximum amount of RAM that the motherboard supports. A computer’s motherboard can be identified in

    • How to Clean an LCD Screen

      How to Clean an LCD Screen

      No matter where LCD screens are kept, they will always need cleaning from time to time. Cleaning an LCD may seem like a daunting task, but there are a few simple ways to clean it without damaging to scratching to surface. Retail There are many cleaning solutions available in shops. However these may seem a

    • What is a Microchip?

      What is a Microchip?

      A microchip, commonly called the integrated circuit, is a tiny electronic circuit. It is made up primarily of semiconductor devices. For the most part, these small microchips are used in nearly every type of electronic device known to man. As the years have gone on from their creation in the late 50s and early 60s,

    • What is a PDA?

      What is a PDA?

      A PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) is a computer that fits in one’s hand. These small computers are sometimes called palmtops and are a great way to store telephone numbers and email addresses, access the Internet, make calculations, keep a digital calendar, and play games. Today’s PDA is very small, fits comfortably in a pocket, and

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