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    • USB Device Not Recognized

      USB Device Not Recognized

      A common problem that arises for computer users is dealing with the USB Device not recognized error. This error is thrown after an electronic device is connected to the computer or USB hub but is not automatically detected. When the error occurs, the Windows Device Manager may also list the component as an “unknown device”

    • BNC to VGA Converter

      BNC to VGA Converter

      BNC BNC, which stands for Bayonet Neill-Concelman, is a type of RF connector used for terminating coaxial cable. BNC connectors are used in a variety of consumer electronics, including radios, video devices and certain Ethernet networks. VGA VGA, which stands for Video Graphics Array, is a piece of display hardware. The VGA hardware is a

    • HVD (Holographic Versatile Disc)

      HVD (Holographic Versatile Disc)

      HVD (Holographic Versatile Disc) is the next generation in optical disk technology. HVD is still in a research phase that would phenomenally increase the disk storage capacities over the currently existing HD DVD and Blu-ray optical disk systems. According to published statistics, when produced in full scale, HVDs will have a storage capacity of 3.9

    • How to Repair a Laptop Screen

      How to Repair a Laptop Screen

      One of the most common hardware problems that people who own a laptop experience is a broken or malfunctioning laptop screen. Laptop screens are essential to laptop use. Laptop screens can be incredibly delicate. However, they are surprisingly very easy to fix  even if the fixer is not a technical person. Troubleshoot the Laptop Screen

    • How to Restore a Dell Computer to Factory Settings

      How to Restore a Dell Computer to Factory Settings

      When a computer reaches a point where it can no longer be repaired because of viruses and malware, or it has gotten to the point where more time is spent trying to load a page than you spend using it, the time might be to do a factory restore of the computer. What this means

    • How to Reset an IBM ThinkPad BIOS Password

      How to Reset an IBM ThinkPad BIOS Password

      An IBM ThinkPad laptop can have three hardware password sets: Power-On Password Hard Disk Password Supervisor Password Power-On Password RT/CMOS RAM has 8 bytes reserved for the power-on password and the check character. The 8 bytes are initialized to hex 00. The microprocessor can access these bytes only during POST. After POST is completed, if

    • HSS Speakers

      HSS Speakers

      Conceptually, hypersonic sound (HSS) systems do to sound what laser technology does to light – focus sound into a tight beam that can travel great distances without dispersing. HSS systems can create sound that is meant only for a certain individual(s), not for everyone who just happens to be in the vicinity. HSS Speakers versus

    • How to Reset a Toshiba BIOS Password?

      How to Reset a Toshiba BIOS Password?

      The Toshiba Corporation was originally founded in 1939 through the merger of Tanaka Engineering Works and Hakunetsusha (later renamed to Tokyo Electric). Over the course of the 20th and 21st Centuries, the corporation has seen significant expansion into a number of technical fields to include being one of the top five producers of consumer laptops

    • CMOS RAM

      CMOS RAM

      When the computer boots up, certain amounts of information are needed to ensure that the computer boots properly. This includes hard disk types, keyboard and display type, chip set and the time and data. For example, the hard drive booting properly means that the operating system boots properly. This is important to understand because it

    • Checksum Error

      Checksum Error

      In order to understand what a checksum error is, it is important to first learn what a checksum is. A checksum is a redundancy check during a computer’s start up process, which makes sure that the computer’s data is intact and unhampered. The data is scanned and tested for accuracy, either based on how well

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