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  • Hardware

    • Hard Disk Partitions

      Hard Disk Partitions

      A hard disk partition is a defined storage space on a hard drive. Most operating systems allow users to divide a hard disk into multiple partitions, in effect making one physical hard disk into several smaller logical hard disks. Reasons to Use Hard Disk Partitions A user may decide to split a hard disk into

    • Computer Parts

      Computer Parts

      The case is the metal “box” that all the computer parts fit inside. It provides protection and the ability to customize the case. Larger cases leave room for expansion such as extra hard drives or R/W drives. There are three main types of cases: Pizza Box Case This is a thin case used mainly for

    • Half Duplex and Full Duplex

      Half Duplex and Full Duplex

      Duplex simply means that the communications device enables users to talk to someone in another location and the person in the other location to respond to the user via the same type of device. As an example, when someone makes a telephone call, he/she is engaging in a duplex procedure. The same is true when

    • High Definition Audio

      High Definition Audio

      High Definition Audio, also known as HD Audio, is an audio standard created by Intel to be used on their chipsets, i.e. it is a standard for high-quality on-board audio. HD Audio was designed to replace the Audio Codec 97 (AC'97) standard that Intel released in 1997. The main achievement of the AC'97 specification was

    • MBR (Master Boot Record)

      MBR (Master Boot Record)

      The MBR is the Master Boot Record. The MBR is a small program which runs whenever a computer boots up. The MBR is stored in the first sector of the boot disk. The boot disk may be a hard drive, a floppy drive, or even a CD or DVD drive. The Task of the MBR

    • AES/EBU


      Experts in science and technology developed a known digital audio standard, AES/EBU, to handle signals from digital audio systems. It is known officially by the name AES3 and an Audio Engineering Society and the European Broadcasting Union developed it, hence the name. It was first publicized in 1989, but was revised later in 1995, 1998,

    • How to Burn an ISO Image

      How to Burn an ISO Image

      An ISO file contains not only files and folders but also the disk file system metadata. This includes boot code, structures, and attributes. This is why burning an ISO image is different from writing files from a CD or DVD. To burn an ISO image, you need a CD or DVD burning program that can

    • How Long Do VHS Tapes Last?

      How Long Do VHS Tapes Last?

      Just like every other technology, video home system (VHS) recording tapes are being affected by technological change. Just as consumers become used to one form of home technology, a new and better technology comes along. Unfortunately, consumers have already recorded many precious moments on their VHS tapes and are increasingly finding that they do not

    • Molex Connectors

      Molex Connectors

      Molex connectors are pin and socket types of connectors that are found in a multitude of products. Their name stems from the Molex Products Company, the business that originally designed and helped standardize the type of connection in the 1950s and 1960s. Although they were originally designed for use in appliances, they are currently a

    • ATAPI (ATA Packet Interface)

      ATAPI (ATA Packet Interface)

      ATAPI, Advanced Technology Attachment with Packet Interface is the standard interface (type of connection) used to connect hard drives, CD-ROM drives and other components like RAM, motherboard inside the CPUs of personal computers. It is the standard developed by Western Digital and maintained by the International Committee for Information Technology Standards (also known as the

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