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    • C Band

      C Band

      C Band is the original frequency allocation for communications satellites. C-Band uses 3.7-4.2GHz for downlink and 5.925-6.425Ghz for uplink. The lower frequencies that C Band uses perform better under adverse weather conditions than the Ku band or Ka band frequencies. C Band Variants Slight C Band frequency variations are approved for use in various parts

    • How to Read Resistor Color Code

      How to Read Resistor Color Code

      Resistors can come in different sizes and shapes allowing for different voltages to go through it. However, unless the size of the resistor is large, the code is rarely written on it because it would require very tiny markings. Therefore, a system was developed to use colors to determine the resistor code. In other words,

    • Rheostats


      A rheostat is an electrical component that has an adjustable resistance. It is a type of potentiometer that has two terminals instead of three. The two main types of rheostat are the rotary and slider. The symbol for a rheostat is a resistor symbol with an arrow diagonally across it. Rheostats are used in many

    • Downlink


      Downlink is a term in telecommunications that is used to refer to a data transmission in which data flows from an orbital satellite receiver to a ground-based transmitter. Downlink transmissions rely on the C Band between 3.7 and 4.2 GHz, the Ku Band between 11.7 and 12.7 GHz, and the Ka Band between 18.3 and

    • Dielectric


      A dielectric is a material that restricts the flow of current. Dielectrics are defined by their dielectric constant, current leakage, and breakdown voltage. They are mainly used in capacitors, allowing charge to build up on the conductive plates. An insulator is a dielectric than can withstand a high electric field without letting current flow through

    • Ground Loop Isolator

      Ground Loop Isolator

      A ground loop isolator prevents interference in a ground loop circuit. A ground loop circuit is one in which two or more circuits are connected to the same ground wire. Ideally, all circuits in a ground loop circuit have the same voltage potential. However, if the ground wire has significant resistance and current, the voltage

    • Baseband


      Generally, a transmission signal contains more than a single frequency. This is to say that there might be several different frequencies linked together or else superimposed on each other. This is just the way all telecommunication systems function. For example, with today's communication technology it is virtually impossible to send low frequencies without experiencing any

    • Types of Projector Lamps

      Types of Projector Lamps

      A projector lamp is used to transfer an image from a multimedia projector onto a larger screen. Earlier halogen bulbs were used for many years for projection purposes, but were discontinued as halogen produced a yellow tone on the images. A projector lamp relies on an intense light bulb, called a metal halide bulb, to

    • What is a MOSFET?

      What is a MOSFET?

      A MOSFET (Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor) is a device that switches or amplifies an electronic signal. MOSFET technology has made computers much smaller and more efficient than they once were by handling large amounts of electricity in very small spaces. MOSFETs are also crucial for both digital and analog signals and are found

    • Alternator


      An alternator turns mechanical energy into electrical energy, in the form of alternating current. It is a type of generator, most commonly used by automobiles to power their electrical systems. They are usually mounted on the side of the internal combustion engine. How Alternators Work An alternator consists of a rotor, stator, rectifier, housing, and

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