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  • Electronics

    • BJT Transistors

      BJT Transistors

      Basic diodes are constructed from two semiconductor materials, germanium or silicon, to create a basic PN-junction. When two single diodes are connected to each other back-to-back, two PN-junctions that are connected in series are created. They share a common N or P terminal, which forms the basis of a BJT or Bipolar Junction Transistor. The

    • What is JFET?

      What is JFET?

      Junction gate Field-Effect Transistor (JFET) is also known as JUGFET. The JFET is the most simple type of field effect transistor currently in use and has either voltage controlled resistance or an electronically controlled switch. When using a JFET, the electric charge flows in a semiconducting channel that is located between the source and drain

    • Zener Diode

      Zener Diode

      A Zener diode transfers current forward and backward, while traditional diodes are only capable of transferring current forward. Many different electronic systems use Zener diodes to control their circuit’s voltage levels. While there are several ways of doing this, Zener diodes provide efficient voltage regulation without damaging the diode itself. How Zener Diodes Work For

    • What is EMI Shielding?

      What is EMI Shielding?

      Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) most commonly occurs in the 104 to 1012 Hertz frequency range of the electromagnetic spectrum. A number of sources create this interference, including radio transmitters, electric motors, power lines, fluorescent lights, and computer circuits. If electrical equipment do not have suitable EMI shielding in place, device failure may result from the interference

    • What is a Loop Antenna?

      What is a Loop Antenna?

      A loop antenna is one that is designed to receive radio signals more efficiently than other antennas. Loop antennas are considered more efficient than others because they are mobile, work with a wide range of frequencies, and use less electricity. A loop antenna’s performance is entirely dependent on its construction and placement, although other factors

    • Radar Jammer

      Radar Jammer

      A radar jammer is a piece of equipment used to scramble nearby radar signals. Radar jammers are often used by drivers to jam the signals coming out from police speed detectors. The radar jammer is very similar to the Power Drainer and is the size of a small box. Radar Jamming as a Crime There

    • Photodetectors


      A photodetector is a device that imprints the image of an object or scene onto a material. Photodetectors are made in various ways and can be used for different purposes. Most photodetectors fall into the phototube, thermal detector, or camera category. These photodetectors are used for communication, navigation, and record keeping. Types of Photodetectors Phototube

    • MS Connectors

      MS Connectors

      MIL-C-5015, now known popularly as MS connectors, are multi-pin, highly durable connectors that were originally invented for use in military applications. They have a variety of features that makes them easy to use for nearly any application and are often found in a variety of advanced, high power, heavy duty devices in the industrial world.

    • Who Invented the Radio?

      Who Invented the Radio?

      Radio was not invented by any single person, but instead was a culmination of several scientists’ research, each of whom pioneered a different area of electromagnetic radiation and radio waves during the late 1800s and early 1900s. Among these men are well known researchers such as Heinrich Rudolf Hertz, James Clerk Maxwell, David E. Hughes,

    • IDU (In-Door Unit)

      IDU (In-Door Unit)

      An IDU, or In-Door Unit, is a telecommunication device that is used in satellite television and Internet service to receive and decode satellite transmissions. An IDU is a box that connects to the user’s television and/or router and contains a built-in satellite receiver that may also be connected to a satellite dish on the roof

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