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    • Free Flyer Templates

      Free Flyer Templates

      A flyer is principally an inexpensively created single page circular/pamphlet used for promotional distribution and marketing. Flyers can be used as inexpensive and easy tools for effective advertising. They are distributed to various people and current clients in order to acquaint them with products, services, and a company. When consumer markets are thoroughly researched, handing

    • How to Make 3D Images

      How to Make 3D Images

      3D (3 dimensional) images are a representation of an object displayed in three dimensions (length, depth and height). The creation of 3-D graphics can be divided into three phases. The first step, defines the shape of the object in a process called 3D modeling. The second step involves the placement and motion of the objects

    • HSV (Hue, Saturation and Value)

      HSV (Hue, Saturation and Value)

      HSV (Hue, Saturation and Value) – defines a type of color space. It is similar to the modern RGB and CMYK models. The HSV color space has three components: hue, saturation and value. ‘Value’ is sometimes substituted with ‘brightness’ and then it is known as HSB. The HSV model was created by Alvy Ray Smith

    • CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Key)

      CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Key)

      CMYK – also called CYM or YMCK – is a subtractive color model used in color printing. A color model is a mathematical model for describing colors as tuples of numbers, usually 3-4 color components or values. CMYK stands for Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Key (black), and the color model describes a formula for creating

    • How to Create a Glass Picture Frame in PhotoShop

      How to Create a Glass Picture Frame in PhotoShop

      This tutorial will help you create a glass-looking picture frame in Photoshop. First, draw a gradient in the background layer: Next, create a red rectangular box: Then apply this effect to the layer: This will be the result: Then duplicate the layer and flip it vertically to make it look like this: Then draw this

    • How to X-Ray in GIMP

      GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) is an image editing software that serves as a free alternative to Adobe Photoshop. While Photoshop is a household name, GIMP is equally popular in the digital art industry. This is because GIMP offers a wide variety of features that resemble Photoshop features in almost every way. GIMP is an

    • RGB (Red Green Blue)

      RGB (Red Green Blue)

      RGB stands for the three primary colors of light – Red, Green, and Blue. RGB can be described as the computer’s native color space for capturing images and displaying them. As human eyes are sensitive to these primary colors – red, green, and blue – all colors are perceived as a combination of these three

    • How to Put One Picture into Another in Photoshop

      How to Put One Picture into Another in Photoshop

      Photoshop is a popular graphics design software that Adobe provides. It allows users to create a wide variety of images from scratch or modify an existing image with a large assortment of tools and features. The most common technique used in Photoshop is putting one picture into another, something that other graphics editing programs cannot

    • HSL (Hue, Saturation, and Lightness)

      HSL (Hue, Saturation, and Lightness)

      HSL (Hue, Saturation, and Lightness) is a method for describing colors. HSL is also known by the abbreviations of HLS and HIS, while the L can often refer to luminosity or luminance rather than light. The HLS color model is graphically represented by a double cone or hexcone, this shape resembles a spinning top. The

    • How to X-Ray in Photoshop

      How to X-Ray in Photoshop

      Photoshop is a very popular image editing software designed and distributed by Adobe that allows users to fully customize their images, modify them, and insert a wide variety of special effects. Photoshop is used by schools, businesses, and home users to enhance images, create ideal advertisements and marketing icons such as website banners and logos,

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