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    • Lossy Compression

      Lossy Compression

      Lossy compression is a type of compression that removes unnecessary components of a file to reduce the file’s size. Lossy compression is often used in multimedia files, such as still images and audio files that hold a significant amount of redundant information. Lossy compression results in a reduction of quality of the file that is

    • CMOS Checksum Bad Error

      CMOS Checksum Bad Error

      Computer users frequently encounter CMOS Checksum Bad Error for many reasons. This error may be frustrating, but the good part is that it can be solved easily. There are very few reasons for the CMOS Checksum Bad Error, hence they can be handled effectively. The Error Explained A checksum is computed as an error detecting

    • What is a Pressure Transmitter?

      What is a Pressure Transmitter?

      A pressure transmitter or pressure sensor is a device that measures pressure in a liquid, fluid, or gas. Pressure transmitters are commonly used to measure pressure inside of industrial machinery in order to alert the user before a catastrophe occurs. They have many different uses, most of which are industrial or automotive in nature. A

    • Pentium


      The Pentium family of processors is the current generation of CPU's for personal computers from Intel. Pentium processors trace their heritage all the way back to the original Intel 8088 CPU used in the original IBM-PC in 1981. Intel renamed the 80586 processor Pentium because of the difficulties of trademarking numbers. This was a move

    • How Data is Stored in a Hard Disk

      How Data is Stored in a Hard Disk

      A key concept in data storage is that it is linear, logical, and systematic in nature. When someone ‘saves’ data to the hard disk, the disk will follow a logical system. A hard disk can be compared to a large, square piece of graphing paper composed of squares, a thousand long and a thousand wide.

    • DisplayPort


      DisplayPort is the new digital display interface standard. It has been recently approved (5/2006) by VESA and will be hitting the markets in 2008. For most computer users, the fairly big and bulky VGA port is familiar. While the VGA port has been extremely reliable and has delivered competent performance, the new standard – the

    • How to Recover Hard Drive Data

      How to Recover Hard Drive Data

      Hard drive data recovery is the process of recovering lost data from a hard drive when the data cannot be readily accessed through normal retrieval methods. Whether the hard drive has locked up or has completely crashed, there is a good chance the data can be recovered with a variety of hard drive data recovering

    • How Wireless Speakers Works

      How Wireless Speakers Works

      The Need for Wireless Speakers A common complaint against home audio systems has been the cables that interconnect the speakers to the audio receiver, tuner, cd player, or stereo units. As more and more channels are added to modern home audio equipment the problem of connecting the speakers to the audio sources has exacerbated. Running

    • What is a Pantograph?

      What is a Pantograph?

      A pantograph is a mechanical device that is made of links. It bends in order to allow a user to draw an image while simultaneously drawing two or more copies of it. Pantographs can also make smaller or larger copies of an original drawing. They have been used for over four hundred years and have

    • How to Burn a VCD

      How to Burn a VCD

      If someone is looking for an alternative to burning video on a DVD, one of the easiest and most affordable forms of media, he/she can burn what is called a VCD (Video Compact Disc). While DVDs are a great way to store large files, especially video and sound, VCDs, while smaller in size, can easily

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