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  • History

    • The History of Computer Viruses

      The History of Computer Viruses

      Computer viruses have been around just about as long as the personal computer has existed. With the advent of the Internet, the ability of viruses to rapidly spread has increased substantially. Despite this increase in capability to infect large numbers of computers across international borders, the definition of a computer virus has not substantially changed

    • Who Invented the Television?

      Who Invented the Television?

      Who invented the television is a hotly debated question. The invention of the television grew out of the invention of the radio. Since you can easily send sound through the air waves many inventors starting thinking of the possibility of not only sound being sent through the airwaves, but also images. On December 2, 1922,

    • How to Erase Browser History

      How to Erase Browser History

      Erasing browser history clears the record of what web sites the user visited over a period of time. This can help to protect privacy by preventing others from monitoring what web sites the user has been visiting. Erasing Internet Explorer’s Browser History By default, Internet Explorer keeps browser history for 20 days. To erase browser

    • Who Invented the Microphone?

      Who Invented the Microphone?

      A microphone is a device that converts acoustic power into electric power. Both the acoustic power and the electric power have similar wave characteristics that convert sound waves into electric voltages that eventually convert back into sound waves through speakers. Microphone were used with the first telephones, and then with radio transmitters soon after. Sir

    • Who Invented the Water Thermometer?

      Who Invented the Water Thermometer?

      The water thermometer has been around for centuries, but not many people are aware of the origins of this instrument. The following is a brief synopsis of the origin and development of the water thermometer. Origins The first water thermometer was created during the 16th century. In the year 1593, Galileo Galilei did the existing

    • Who Invented the Telephone?

      Who Invented the Telephone?

      The invention of the telephone is credited to American Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Watson in the mid-to-late 19th Century. Although Bell ultimately prevailed in the early signs of patent wars to come in the tech industry, there are a number of inventors who helped contributed technological and conceptual advancements that furthered telephone technology in

    • Who Invented the Cell Phone?

      Who Invented the Cell Phone?

      Dr. Martin Cooper is the person credited with both inventing the modern cell phone as well as making the first cell phone call in New York City, New York in April 1973. A related invention is the cave radio phone invented by Nathan Stubblefield who was awarded a patent for the idea in the early

    • Who Invented the Bullet Proof Vest?

      Who Invented the Bullet Proof Vest?

      Body armor has been in use by military forces since the early middle ages. Armor of metal, leather, cloth padding, silk and other plant material has been intrinsic to military actions since that time. The bullet proof vest, however, is a more recent invention with the specific design intent of protecting its wearer from firearm

    • Who Invented the Computer?

      Who Invented the Computer?

      The question of who came about with the computer is a problematic question. There are so many claims of who invented the computer. However, it may be understood that various contributions led to the creation of the computer. There are some people who will consider the conception of the whole idea about inventing a computer

    • Who Invented the Radio?

      Who Invented the Radio?

      Radio was not invented by any single person, but instead was a culmination of several scientists’ research, each of whom pioneered a different area of electromagnetic radiation and radio waves during the late 1800s and early 1900s. Among these men are well known researchers such as Heinrich Rudolf Hertz, James Clerk Maxwell, David E. Hughes,

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