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  • History

    • Who Invented the Internet?

      Who Invented the Internet?

      Despite Al Gore’s claims to the contrary, the Internet was not originally invented by or created by a single person. The Internet as we know it today is a combination of a number of concepts that have ultimately been merged together to provide the service. Tim Berners-Lee (or Sir Timothy John Berners-Lee as officially known

    • The History of Satellite Television

      The History of Satellite Television

      In order to understand the history of satellite television, you first have to go all the way back to the 1950's during the space race between the USA and Russia. The first satellite to orbit the earth was Sputnik, launched by the Russians in 1957. It was 6 years later until the first communications satellite

    • Who Invented the First Car?

      Who Invented the First Car?

      Cars have become an integral part of human life today. They are used everyday by millions of people around the globe. There were estimated 1,000,000,000 (1 billion) cars in 2010, whereas there were only 500 million in 1986. The numbers are continuously on the rise.  The maximum number of cars today are found in India and

    • The History of UNIX

      The History of UNIX

      UNIX is one of the most important operating systems ever developed. What made Unix stand out in the crowd of countless other operating systems is that it was a competent operating system that was extremely affordable and worked on low cost hardware. Economics definitely played a large part in UNIX’s popularity and today it is

    • Who Invented the Projector?

      Who Invented the Projector?

      A Projector is an optical instrument that is used to project a picture on a blank screen with the help of reflection or as done by a lantern. Basically, it enlarges and reflects an object. This is done with the help of lenses, prism and mirror that is used as a reflector. Apart from other

    • The History of the Computer

      The History of the Computer

      The computer dates back to the early days of Babylon, circa 300 BC. The Babylonians used the first computing device, the abacus, for simple counting. With the increase in human needs and modernization, the computer (especially its power and speed) has advanced significantly. The computer’s evolution is not the accomplishment of any one person. It

    • Who Invented Electricity?

      Who Invented Electricity?

      No one person invented electricity, but its modern day use is the result of the work of inventors, scientists, and researchers who toiled over the subject for millennia. In order to fully understand electricity in our modern world, one has to first understand the pioneers who date back to as early as the ancient Greeks,

    • Who invented the ENIAC?

      Who invented the ENIAC?

      The ENIAC is credited as being the first electronic general-purpose computer. The acronym stands for Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer. Although earlier machines had many of the same qualities that the ENIAC exhibited, the ENIAC was the first Turing-complete digital computer capable of solving a range of computing questions. However, ENIAC was originally built as

    • The History of the Internet

      The History of the Internet

      Introduction The Internet has truly revolutionized the world. From its extremely humble beginnings to its rapid growth, nothing in perhaps the history of the world has brought so much information to the masses and has helped individuals communicate with others. While the Internet might seem simplistic in theory, it took quite a few innovations to

    • The History of Cell Phones

      The History of Cell Phones

      Cell phone technology  is based on radio technology that was developed from the 1940’s onward. For instance, the beginning of cell phones can be traced to the innovation in taxi cabs, police cars, and other service vehicles where two way radios allowed taxi drivers or police officers to communicate with one another or with a

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