Cell phone text messages typically use the SMS (Short Message Service) protocol.
Most cellular service providers charge fees to send and receive text messages.
There are numerous ways to send text messages for free, but they vary among cell service providers.
Send Free Text Messages by Purchasing the Right Service Plan
Some cell service plans include free text messaging. That is the simplest solution.
Send Text Messages for Free via the Web
Many websites allow visitors to send text messages to cell phones at no cost.
We provide such a service on our Free SMS page.
Send Text Messages for Free via Instant Messenger
AOL Instant Messenger sends text messages to cell phones.
To send a text message via AIM, simply message the telephone number. Include a plus sign and the country code. For example, to text message a friend at (303)555-1212, send an IM to +13035551212.
Send Text Messages for Free via E-mail
Quite a few cell service companies provide free e-mail to SMS gateways where users can send text messages for free via e-mail.
Here is a list of e-mail to SMS gateways where users can send free text messages.
United States
Provider | E-mail to SMS address format |
3 River Wireless | xxxxxxxxx@sms.3rivers.net |
ACS Wireless | xxxxxxxxx@paging.acswireless.com |
Advantage Communications | xxxxxxxxx@advantagepaging.com |
Aio Wireless | xxxxxxxxx@mms.aiowireless.net |
Airfire Mobile | xxxxxxxxx@sms.airfiremobile.com |
Airtel Wireless (Montana, USA) | xxxxxxxxx@sms.airtelmontana.com |
AirVoice | xxxxxxxxx@mmode.com |
Airtouch Pagers | xxxxxxxxx@airtouch.net |
Airtouch Pagers | xxxxxxxxx@airtouchpaging.com |
Airtouch Pagers | xxxxxxxxx@alphapage.airtouch.com |
Airtouch Pagers | xxxxxxxxx@myairmail.com |
Alaska Communications Systems | xxxxxxxxx@msg.acsalaska.com |
Aliant | xxxxxxxxx@number@sms.wirefree.informe.ca |
AllTel | xxxxxxxxx@message.alltel.com |
Alltel PCS | xxxxxxxxx@message.alltel.com |
Alltel | xxxxxxxxx@alltelmessage.com |
Alltel | xxxxxxxxx@sms.alltelwireless.com |
AlphNow | xxxxxxxxx@alphanow.net |
American Messaging (SBC/Ameritech) | xxxxxxxxx@page.americanmessaging.net |
Ameritech Clearpath | xxxxxxxxx@clearpath.acswireless.com |
Ameritech Paging | xxxxxxxxx@pageapi.com |
Ameritech Paging | xxxxxxxxx@paging.acswireless.com |
Api4SMS | xxxxxxxxx@members.api4sms.net |
Aql | xxxxxxxxx@text.aql.com |
Arch Pagers (PageNet) | xxxxxxxxx@archwireless.net |
Arch Pagers (PageNet) | xxxxxxxxx@epage.arch.com |
Assurance Wireless | xxxxxxxxx@vmobl.com |
AT&T | xxxxxxxxx@txt.att.net |
AT&T Free2Go | xxxxxxxxx@mmode.com |
AT&T Engterprise | xxxxxxxxx@page.att.net |
AT&T Global Smart Messaging | xxxxxxxxx@sms.smartmessagingsuite.com |
AT&T PCS | xxxxxxxxxx@mobile.att.net |
AT&T Pocketnet PCS | xxxxxxxxxx@dpcs.mobile.att.net |
Beepwear | xxxxxxxxxx@beepwear.net |
Bell Atlantic | xxxxxxxxxx@message.bam.com |
Bell South (Blackberry) | xxxxxxxxx@bellsouthtips.com |
Bell South Mobility | xxxxxxxxx@blsdcs.net |
Bell South | xxxxxxxxx@blsdcs.net |
Bell South | xxxxxxxxx@sms.bellsouth.com |
Bell South | xxxxxxxxx@wireless.bellsouth.com |
Bluegrass Cellular | xxxxxxxxx@sms.bluecell.com |
Boost Mobile | xxxxxxxxx@myboostmobile.com |
Boost Mobile | xxxxxxxxx@sms.myboostmobile.com |
Boost | xxxxxxxxx@myboostmobile.com |
CallPlus | xxxxxxxxx@mmode.com |
Carolina Mobile Communications | xxxxxxxxx@cmcpaging.com |
Carolina West Wireless | xxxxxxxxxx@cwwsms.com |
Cellular One MMS | xxxxxxxxxx@mms.uscc.net |
Cellular One East Coast | xxxxxxxxx@phone.cellone.net |
Cellular One PCS | xxxxxxxxx@paging.cellone-sf.com |
Cellular One South West | xxxxxxxxx@swmsg.com |
Cellular One West | xxxxxxxxx@mycellone.com |
Cellular One | xxxxxxxxxx@cellularone.txtmsg.com |
Cellular One | xxxxxxxxxx@cellularone.textmsg.com |
Cellular One | xxxxxxxxxx@cell1.textmsg.com |
Cellular One | xxxxxxxxx@message.cellone-sf.com |
Cellular One | xxxxxxxxx@mobile.celloneusa.com |
Cellular One | xxxxxxxxx@sbcemail.com |
Cellular South | xxxxxxxxx@csouth1.com |
Centennial Wireless | xxxxxxxxxx@cwemail.com |
Central Vermont Communications | xxxxxxxxx@cvcpaging.com |
CenturyTel | xxxxxxxxx@messaging.centurytel.net |
Cincinnati Bell Wireless | xxxxxxxxxx@gocbw.com |
Cingular | xxxxxxxxxx@mycingular.com |
Cingular | xxxxxxxxxx@mycingular.net |
Cingular | xxxxxxxxxx@mms.cingularme.com |
Cingular | xxxxxxxxxx@page.cingular.com |
Cingular | xxxxxxxxx@cingularme.com |
Cingular (GSM) | xxxxxxxxx@cingularme.com |
Cingular (TDMA) | xxxxxxxxx@mmode.com |
Cingular Wireless | xxxxxxxxx@mobile.mycingular.net |
Cingular Wireless | xxxxxxxxxx@mycingular.textmsg.com |
Cingular Wireless | xxxxxxxxxx@mobile.mycingular.com |
Comcast | xxxxxxxxxx@comcastpcs.textmsg.com |
Communication Specialists | xxxxxxxxxx@pager.comspeco.com |
Communication Specialists | xxxxxxx@pageme.comspeco.net |
Cook Paging | xxxxxxxxx@cookmail.com |
Corr Wireless Communications | xxxxxxxxx@corrwireless.net |
Cricket | xxxxxxxxxx@sms.mycricket.com |
Digi-Page / Page Kansas | xxxxxxxxxx@page.hit.net |
Dobson Communications Corporation | xxxxxxxxx@mobile.dobson.net |
Dobson-Alex Wireless / Dobson-Cellular One | xxxxxxxxx@mobile.cellularone.com |
Edge Wireless | xxxxxxxxx@sms.edgewireless.com |
Gabriel Wireless | xxxxxxxxxx@epage.gabrielwireless.com |
Galaxy Corporation | xxxxxxxxx@sendabeep.net |
GCS Paging | xxxxxxxxx@webpager.us |
General Communications Inc. (Alaska) | xxxxxxxxxx@msg.gci.net |
Globalstar (satellite) | xxxxxxxxxx@msg.globalstarusa.com |
GrayLink / Porta-Phone | xxxxxxxxx@epage.porta-phone.com |
GTE | xxxxxxxxx@gte.pagegate.net |
GTE | xxxxxxxxx@messagealert.com |
GTE | xxxxxxxxxx@airmessage.net |
Helio | xxxxxxxxxx@messaging.sprintpcs.com |
Houston Cellular | xxxxxxxxx@text.houstoncellular.net |
Illinois Valley Cellular | xxxxxxxxxx@ivctext.com |
Infopage Systems | xxxxxxxxxx@page.infopagesystems.com |
Inland Cellular Telephone | xxxxxxxxx@inlandlink.com |
Iridium (satellite) | xxxxxxxxxx@msg.iridium.com |
i wireless | xxxxxxxxxx.iws@iwspcs.net |
JSM Tele-Page | xxxxxxxxx@jsmtel.com |
Lauttamus Communication | xxxxxxxxx@e-page.net |
MCI Phone | xxxxxxxxx@mci.com |
MCI | xxxxxxxxx@pagemci.com |
Metro PCS | xxxxxxxxx@metropcs.sms.us |
Metro PCS | xxxxxxxxx@mymetropcs.com |
MetroPCS | xxxxxxxxx@mymetropcs.com |
Metrocall 2-way | xxxxxxxxx@my2way.com |
Metrocall | xxxxxxxxx@page.metrocall.com |
Midwest Wireless | xxxxxxxxx@clearlydigital.com |
Mobilecom PA | xxxxxxxxx@page.mobilcom.net |
Mobilfone | xxxxxxxxx@page.mobilfone.com |
MobiPCS (Hawaii only) | xxxxxxxxxx@mobipcs.net |
Motient | @isp.com |
Morris Wireless | xxxxxxxxx@beepone.net |
Northeast Paging | xxxxxxxxxx@pager.ucom.com |
Nextel | xxxxxxxxx@messaging.nextel.com |
Nextel | xxxxxxxxx@page.nextel.com |
NPI Wireless | xxxxxxxxx@npiwireless.com |
Ntelos | xxxxxxxxx@pcs.ntelos.com |
O2 | xxxxxxxxxx@mobile.celloneusa.com |
Omnipoint | xxxxxxxxx@omnipoint.com |
Omnipoint | xxxxxxxxx@omnipointpcs.com |
OnlineBeep | xxxxxxxxx@onlinebeep.net |
PCS One | xxxxxxxxx@pcsone.net |
Pacific Bell | xxxxxxxxx@pacbellpcs.net |
PageMart Advanced /2way | xxxxxxxxxx@airmessage.net |
PageMart | xxxxxxxxx@pagemart.net |
PageOne NorthWest | xxxxxxxxx@page1nw.com |
Pioneer / Enid Cellular | xxxxxxxxx@msg.pioneerenidcellular.com |
Price Communications | xxxxxxxxx@mobilecell1se.com |
Primeco | xxxxxxxxxx@email.uscc.net |
ProPage | xxxxxxxxx@page.propage.net |
Public Service Cellular | xxxxxxxxx@sms.pscel.com |
Qualcomm | name@pager.qualcomm.com |
Qwest | xxxxxxxxx@qwestmp.com |
RAM Page | xxxxxxxxx@ram-page.com |
Republic Wireless | xxxxxxxxx@text.republicwireless.com |
SBC Ameritech Paging (see also American Messaging) | xxxxxxxxxx@paging.acswireless.com |
ST Paging | pin@page.stpaging.com |
Safaricom | xxxxxxxxx@safaricomsms.com |
Satelindo GSM | xxxxxxxxx@satelindogsm.com |
Satellink | xxxxxxxxx.pageme@satellink.net |
Simple Freedom | xxxxxxxxx@text.simplefreedom.net |
Skytel Pagers | xxxxxxxxx@email.skytel.com |
Skytel Pagers | xxxxxxxxx@skytel.com |
Smart Telecom | xxxxxxxxx@mysmart.mymobile.ph |
Southern LINC | xxxxxxxxx@page.southernlinc.com |
Southwestern Bell | xxxxxxxxx@email.swbw.com |
Sprint PCS | xxxxxxxxx@messaging.sprintpcs.com |
Sprint | xxxxxxxxx@sprintpaging.com |
SunCom | xxxxxxxxx@tms.suncom.com |
SunCom | xxxxxxxxxx@suncom1.com |
Surewest Communications | xxxxxxxxx@mobile.surewest.com |
T-Mobile | xxxxxxxxx@tmomail.net |
T-Mobile | xxxxxxxxxx@voicestream.net |
TIM | xxxxxxxxx@timnet.com |
TSR Wireless | xxxxxxxxx@alphame.com |
TSR Wireless | xxxxxxxxx@beep.com |
Teleflip | xxxxxxxxxx@teleflip.com |
Teletouch | xxxxxxxxx@pageme.teletouch.com |
Telus | xxxxxxxxx@msg.telus.com |
The Indiana Paging Co | xxxx@pager.tdspager.com |
Thumb Cellular | xxxxxxxxxx@sms.thumbcellular.com |
Tracfone | xxxxxxxxxx@txt.att.net |
Triton | xxxxxxxxx@tms.suncom.com |
UCOM | xxxxxxxxxx@pager.ucom.com |
US Cellular | xxxxxxxxxx@smtp.uscc.net |
US Cellular | xxxxxxxxxx@uscc.textmsg.com |
US West | xxxxxxxxxx@uswestdatamail.com |
US Cellular | xxxxxxxxx@email.uscc.net |
USA Mobility | xxxxxxxxx@mobilecomm.net |
Unicel | xxxxxxxxx@utext.com |
Verizon PCS | xxxxxxxxx@myvzw.com |
Verizon Pagers | xxxxxxxxx@myairmail.com |
Verizon | xxxxxxxxx@vtext.com |
Virgin Mobile | xxxxxxxxx@vmobl.com |
Virgin Mobile | xxxxxxxxx@vxtras.com |
VoiceStream / T-Mobile | xxxxxxxxx@voicestream.net |
Voyager Mobile | xxxxxxxxx@text.voyagermobile.com |
WebLink Wiereless | xxxxxxxxxx@airmessage.net |
WebLink Wireless | xxxxxxxxx@pagemart.net |
Webtext | xxxxxxxxx@webtext.com |
West Central Wireless | xxxxxxxxx@sms.wcc.net |
Western Wireless | xxxxxxxxx@cellularonewest.com |
Wildmist Wireless | xxxxxxxxx@wildmist.net |
Wyndtell | xxxxxxxxx@wyndtell.com |
Provider | E-mail to SMS address format |
CTI | xxxxxxxxx@sms.ctimovil.com.ar |
Movicom | xxxxxxxxx@sms.movistar.net.ar |
Nextel | xxxxxxxxx@nextel.net.ar |
Personal | xxxxxxxxx@alertas.personal.com.ar |
Provider | E-mail to SMS address format |
Setar Mobile | xxxxxxxxx@mas.aw |
Provider | E-mail to SMS address format |
MaxMobil | xxxxxxxxxx@max.mail.at |
One Connect | xxxxxxxxx@onemail.at |
T-Mobile | xxxxxxxxx@sms.t-mobile.at |
Provider | E-mail to SMS address format |
Blue Sky Frog | xxxxxxxxx@blueskyfrog.com |
Esendex | xxxxxxxxx@echoemail.net |
Optus Mobile | xxxxxxxxx@optusmobile.com.au |
Powertel | xxxxxxxxx@voicestream.net |
SL Interactive | xxxxxxxxx@slinteractive.com.au |
SMS Broadcast | xxxxxxxxx@send.smsbroadcast.co.au |
SMS Global | xxxxxxxxx@email.smsglobal.com |
SMS Central | xxxxxxxxx@sms.smscentral.com.au |
SMSPUP | xxxxxxxxx@smspup.com |
T-Mobile | xxxxxxxxx@optusmobile.com.au |
UTBox | xxxxxxxxx@sms.utbox.net |
Provider | E-mail to SMS address format |
Mobistar | xxxxxxxxx@mobistar.be |
Provider | E-mail to SMS address format |
Mobility | xxxxxxxxx@ml.bm |
Provider | E-mail to SMS address format |
Nextel | xxxxxxxxx@nextel.com.br |
Claro | xxxxxxxxx@clarotorpedo.com.br |
Provider | E-mail to SMS address format |
Globul | xxxxxxxxx@sms.globul.bg |
Mtel | xxxxxxxxx@sms.mtel.net |
Provider | E-mail to SMS address format |
Bell Canada | xxxxxxxxx@txt.bell.ca |
Bell Mobility | xxxxxxxxx@txt.bellmobility.ca |
Bell Mobility | xxxxxxxxx@bellmobility.ca |
Clearnet | xxxxxxxxx@msg.clearnet.com |
Fido | xxxxxxxxx@fido.ca |
Fido | xxxxxxxxx@sms.fido.ca |
Koodo Mobile | xxxxxxxxx@msg.koodomobile.com |
Koodo Mobile | xxxxxxxxx@msg.telus.com |
Lynx Mobility | xxxxxxxxx@sms.lynxmobility.com |
Manitoba Telecom Systems | xxxxxxxxx@text.mtsmobility.com |
NBTel | xxxxxxxxx@wirefree.informe.ca |
PageMart | xxxxxxxxx@pmcl.net |
PageNet | xxxxxxxxx@pagegate.pagenet.ca |
PageNet Canada | xxxxxxxxx@e.pagenet.ca |
PC Telecom | xxxxxxxxx@mobiletxt.ca |
President’s Choice | xxxxxxxxx@mobiletxt.ca |
President’s Choice | xxxxxxxxx@txt.bell.ca |
Rogers | xxxxxxxxx@pcs.rogers.com |
Rogers | xxxxxxxxx@sms.rogers.com |
Sasktel Mobility | xxxxxxxxx@pcs.sasktelmobility.com |
Sasktel Mobility | xxxxxxxxx@sms.sasktel.com |
Solo Mobile | xxxxxxxxx@txt.bell.ca |
Telus | xxxxxxxxx@msg.telus.com |
Wind Mobile | xxxxxxxxx@txt.windmobile.ca |
Virgin Mobile Canada | xxxxxxxxx@vmobile.ca |
Provider | E-mail to SMS address format |
Bell South | xxxxxxxxx@bellsouth.cl |
Provider | E-mail to SMS address format |
Comcel | xxxxxxxxx@comcel.com.co |
Movistar | xxxxxxxxx@movistar.com.co |
Czech Republic
Provider | E-mail to SMS address format |
Eurotel | +ccaaxxxxxxx@sms.eurotel.cz |
Oskar | xxxxxxxxx@mujoskar.cz |
Provider | E-mail to SMS address format |
Sonofon | xxxxxxxx@note.sonofon.dk |
Tele Danmark Mobil | xxxxxxxx@sms.tdk.dk |
Telia Denmark | xxxxxxxxx@gsm1800.telia.dk |
Provider | E-mail to SMS address format |
EMT | xxxxxxxxx@sms.emt.ee |
Provider | E-mail to SMS address format |
Bouygues Telecom | xxxxxxxxx@mms.bouyguestelecom.fr |
SFR | xxxxxxxxx@sfr.fr |
Provider | E-mail to SMS address format |
E-Plus | 0177xxxxxxx.sms@eplus.de |
E-Plus | xxxxxxxxxxx.sms@smsmail.eplus.de |
Mannesmann Mobilefunk | xxxxxxx@d2-message.de |
O2 | xxxxxxxxx@o2online.de |
T-Mobile | +49xxxxxxx@t-d1-sms.de |
T-Mobile | +49xxxxxxx@t-mobile-sms.de |
Vodafone | xxxxxxxxx@vodafone-sms.de |
VoiceStream | xxxxxxxxx@voicestream.net |
Provider | E-mail to SMS address format |
PGSM | 3620xxxxxxx@sms.pgsm.hu |
Provider | E-mail to SMS address format |
OgVodafone | xxxxxxxxx@sms.is |
Siminn | xxxxxxxxx@box.is |
Provider | E-mail to SMS address format |
Andhra Pradesh Airtel | xxxxxxxxx@airtelap.com |
Andhra Pradesh India Cellular | xxxxxxxxx@ideacellular.net |
B2B SMS | xxxxxxxxx@b2bsms.co.in |
B2B SMS | info@b2bsms.co.in |
BPL mobile | xxxxxxxxx@bplmobile.com |
Chennai RPG Cellular | xxxxxxxxx@rpgmail.net |
Chennai Skycell / Airtel | xxxxxxxxx@airtelchennai.com |
Delhi Aritel | xxxxxxxxx@airtelmail.com |
Delhi Hutch | xxxxxxxxx@delhi.hutch.co.in |
Escotel | xxxxxxxxx@escotelmobile.com |
Goa Airtel | xxxxxxxxx@airtelmail.com |
Gujarat Celforce | xxxxxxxxx@celforce.com |
Haryana Airtel | 919896xxxxxxxxx@airtelmail.com |
Haryana Escotel | 9182xxxxxxxxx@escotelmobile.com |
Himachai Pradesh Airtel | 919816xxxxxxxxx@airtelmail.com |
Idea Cellular | xxxxxxxxx@ideacellular.net |
Karnataka Airtel | xxxxxxxxx@airtelkk.com |
Kerala Airtel | xxxxxxxxx@airtelkerala.com |
Kolkata Airtel | xxxxxxxxx@airtelkol.com |
Madhya Pradesh Airtel | 919893xxxxxxxxx@airtelmail.com |
Maharashtra Airtel | 919890xxxxxxxxx@airtelmail.com |
Maharashtra Idea Cellular | xxxxxxxxx@ideacellular.net |
Mumbai Airtel | 919892xxxxxxxxx@airtelmail.com |
Orange | xxxxxxxxx@orangemail.co.in |
Punjab Airtel | 919815xxxxxxxxx@airtelmail.com |
Tamil Nadu Aircel | xxxxxxxxx@airsms.com |
Provider | E-mail to SMS address format |
Meteor | xxxxxxxxx@mymeteor.ie |
Meteor | xxxxxxxxx@sms.mymeteor.ie |
Meteor MMS | xxxxxxxxx@mms.mymeteor.ie |
Provider | E-mail to SMS address format |
TIM | xxxxxxxxx@timnet.com |
Telecom Italia Mobile | 33xxxxxxxx@posta.tim.it |
Vodafone Omnitel | 34xxxxxxxx@vizzavi.it |
Vodafone | xxxxxxxxx@sms.vodafone.it |
Provider | E-mail to SMS address format |
au by KDDI | xxxxxxxxx@ezweb.ne.jp |
NTT Docomo | xxxxxxxxx@docomo.ne.jp |
Vodafone Chuugoku/Western | xxxxxxxxx@n.vodafone.ne.jp |
Vodafone Hokkaido | xxxxxxxxx@d.vodafone.ne.jp |
Vodafone Hokuriko/Central North | xxxxxxxxx@r.vodafone.ne.jp |
Vodafone Kansai/West (including Osaka) | xxxxxxxxx@k.vodafone.ne.jp |
Vodafone Kyuushu/Okinawa | xxxxxxxxx@q.vodafone.ne.jp |
Vodafone Shikoku | xxxxxxxxx@s.vodafone.ne.jp |
Vodafone Japan | xxxxxxxxx@c.vodafone.ne.jp |
Vodafone Japan | xxxxxxxxx@h.vodafone.ne.jp |
Vodafone Japan | xxxxxxxxx@t.vodafone.ne.jp |
Willcom | xxxxxxxxx@pdx.ne.jp |
Willcom di | xxxxxxxxx@di.pdx.ne.jp |
Willcom dk | xxxxxxxxx@dk.pdx.ne.jp |
Provider | E-mail to SMS address format |
Kyivstar | xxxxxxxxx@smsmail.lmt.lv |
LMT | 9xxxxxx@smsmail.lmt.lv |
Tele2 | xxxxxxxxx@sms.tele2.lv |
Provider | E-mail to SMS address format |
Cellis / LibanCell | 9613xxxxxx@ens.jinny.com.lb |
Provider | E-mail to SMS address format |
P&T Luxembourg | xxxxxxxxx@sms.luxgsm.lu |
Tigo | xxxxxxxxx@sms.tigo.com.co |
Provider | E-mail to SMS address format |
Celcom | 019xxxxxxx@sms.celcom.com.my |
Provider | E-mail to SMS address format |
Emtel | xxxxxxxxx@emtelworld.net |
Provider | E-mail to SMS address format |
Iusacell | xxxxxxxxx@rek2.com.mx |
Provider | E-mail to SMS address format |
Mero Mobile | xxxxxxxxx@sms.spicenepal.com |
Provider | E-mail to SMS address format |
Dutchtone / Orange-NL | xxxxxxxxx@sms.orange.nl |
T-Mobile | xxxxxxxxx@gin.nl |
Provider | E-mail to SMS address format |
Claro | xxxxxxxxx@ideasclaro-ca.com |
Provider | E-mail to SMS address format |
Netcom | xxxxxxxxx@sms.netcom.no |
Telenor | xxxxxxxxx@mobilpost.no |
Provider | E-mail to SMS address format |
Cable and Wireless | xxxxxxxxx@cwmovil.com |
Provider | E-mail to SMS address format |
Orange Polska | xxxxxxxxx@orange.pl |
Plus GSM | +4860xxxxxxx@text.plusgsm.pl |
Provider | E-mail to SMS address format |
Telcel | 91xxxxxxx@sms.telecel.pt |
Optimus | 93xxxxxxx@sms.optimus.pt |
TMN | 96xxxxxxx@mail.tmn.pt |
Provider | E-mail to SMS address format |
BeeLine GSM | xxxxxxxxx@sms.beemail.ru |
MTS | 7xxxxxxxxxx@sms.mts.ru |
Personal Communication | sms@pcom.ru (number in subject line) |
Primtel | xxxxxxxxx@sms.primtel.ru |
SCS-900 | xxxxxxxxx@scs-900.ru |
Uraltel | xxxxxxxxx@sms.uraltel.ru |
Vessotel | xxxxxxxxx@pager.irkutsk.ru |
YCC | xxxxxxxxx@sms.ycc.ru |
Serbia and Montenegro (Yugoslavia)
Provider | E-mail to SMS address format |
Mobtel Srbija | xxxxxxxxx@mobtel.co.yu |
Provider | E-mail to SMS address format |
MiWorld | xxxxxxxxx@m1.com.sg |
Mobileone | xxxxxxxxx@m1.com.sg |
Provider | E-mail to SMS address format |
Mobitel | xxxxxx@linux.mobitel.si |
Si Mobil | xxxxxx@simobil.net |
South Africa
Provider | E-mail to SMS address format |
MTN | xxxxxxxxx@sms.co.za |
Vodacom | xxxxxxxxx@voda.co.za |
Provider | E-mail to SMS address format |
Movistar | xxxxxxxxx@correo.movistar.net |
Telefonica Movistar | xxxxxxxxx@movistar.net |
Vodafone | xxxxxxxxx@vodafone.es |
Sri Lanka
Provider | E-mail to SMS address format |
Mobitel | xxxxxxxxx@sms.mobitel.lk |
Provider | E-mail to SMS address format |
Comviq GSM | 467xxxxxxxx@sms.comviq.se |
Europolitan | 4670xxxxxxx@europolitan.se |
Tele2 | xxxxxxxxx@sms.tele2.se |
Provider | E-mail to SMS address format |
Box Internet Services SMS Gateway | xxxxxxxxx@sms.boxis.net |
Box Internet Services SMS Gateway | xxxxxxxxx@mms.boxis.net |
Sunrise Mobile | xxxxxxxxx@freesurf.ch |
Sunrise Mobile | xxxxxxxxx@mysunrise.ch |
Sunrise Mobile | xxxxxxxxx@gsm.sunrise.ch |
Swisscom | xxxxxxxxx@bluewin.ch |
Provider | E-mail to SMS address format |
Mobitel | xxxxxxxxx@sms.co.tz |
Provider | E-mail to SMS address format |
Golden Telecom | xxxxxxxxx@sms.goldentele.com |
Kyivstar | xxxxxxxxxx@2sms.kyivstar.net |
UMC | xxxxxxxxx@sms.umc.com.ua |
United Kingdom
Provider | E-mail to SMS address format |
BigRedGiant Mobile Solutions | xxxxxxxxx@tachyonsms.co.uk |
Connection Software | xxxxxxxxx@itsarrived.net |
Esendex | xxxxxxxxx@echoemail.net |
Mediaburst | xxxxxxxxx@sms.mediaburst.co.uk |
Orange | 0973xxxxxx@omail.net |
Orange | xxxxxxxxx@orange.net |
O2 | name@o2.co.uk |
O2 | xxxxxxxxx@o2imail.co.uk |
O2 (M-mail) | xxxxxxxxx@mmail.co.uk |
T-Mobile UK | xxxxxxxxx@t-mobile.uk.net |
Txtlocal | xxxxxxxxx@txtlocal.co.uk |
UniMovil Corporation | xxxxxxxxx@viawebsms.com |
Vodafone UK | xxxxxxxxx@vodafone.net |
Michael T.
US Cellular doesn’t seem to use the @smtp.uscc.net anymore. My email server cannot communicate with that domain. @email.uscc.net still seems to be active though.
i don’t see any carries for Suadi Arabia and egypt or middle east in general
The fool
Vodafone don’t do it anymore.
When you have last update on this?
I have tried with Andhra Pradesh Airtel xxxxxxxxx@airtelap.com (India) account. But I did not receive a text message. I’ve sent from my gmail account by copying directly into “TO” field. Am I doing this in right way? How can I send text message for free by Andra Pradesh Wire Less Carriers.
Is there a gateway for networks in Philippines – like Sun, Smart and Globe? Thanks,
Danny Paler
Globe Telecom 63##########@pmms.globe.com.ph send text ‘ON’ to 2300
Sun Communications 63##########@mms.suncellular.com.ph
Smart Cellular 63##########@smart.mms.ph send text ‘ON’ to 200
John Benitez
I understand the gateway part for Philippine Globe. But what do you mean where you say
send text “ON” to 2300?
it is not gonna work now. it is done theres nothing else free sms gateway in our country. wala na
HELP Please!!! I need the gateway/carrier for: Telcel Mexico, and Movistar Mexico
please send gateway for Etisalat in Dubai, UAE…thank you
Nasr Bin Almousr
please send the gateway/carrier for Omantel and Naswra in OMAN for text messages via email.
please send gateway for Etisalat in Dubai, UAE…thank you
BlueLicensesHolding LLC. What is the @ account please?
For user of Maharashatra( India) what would be the format
please, gateway sms Honduras
I use a net 10 trac phone, Samsung, does anyone know which carrier I would choose? I cant find anything on the phones settings……..
You choose whatever carrier the recipient of your message uses.