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  • IT Management

    • How Does Cloud Computing Work?

      How Does Cloud Computing Work?

      Cloud computing refers to the delivery of one or many services powered by computer hardware and software over the Internet or local computer network. For most major service providers, there are a large number of computers configured in a grid to provide the service architecture located in the “cloud.” The origin of the name cloud

    • ITIL Processes

      ITIL Processes

      The Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) is a series of books that contain proper procedures to handle situations that any IT organization would come in contact with. Using a series of check lists, tasks and procedures, an IT organization can take what is available to it and implement it in such a way that ensures

    • Cost of Implementation for Sarbanes Oxley

      Cost of Implementation for Sarbanes Oxley

      Sarbanes Oxley is usually known as Sarbox or Sox, it is a United States federal law passed in 2002, that protects the public against major corporate accounting scandals that proved to be the catalyst of many investors losing billions of dollars worth of value in the stock market. The official name for Sarbox or Sox

    • ITIL Release Management

      ITIL Release Management

      When software and hardware goes through development and testing, the time comes for it to be released throughout the IT infrastructure or to other clients. This falls on the lap of the ITIL Release Management team. This team of individuals ensures that the licensure, tests and version-verified software and hardware is all up to date

    • Six Sigma

      Six Sigma

      Six Sigma is a business improvement methodology. Its main objective is to implement a vigorous process to systematically eliminate defects and inefficiency. Motorola originally developed it in the early 1980s.  Its proficiency has caused it to become extremely popular in many corporate and small business environments around the world. Six Sigma’s main purpose is to

    • ITSM (Information Technology Service Management)

      ITSM (Information Technology Service Management)

      ITSM stands for Information Technology Service Management. It is a discipline that is widely used for managing large, medium and small scale information technology systems. ITSM is targeted towards the customer and is considered a consumer friendly approach to managing a wide variety of services. ITSM tries to put the consumer relationship first, by switching

    • How to Control Documents

      How to Control Documents

      As organizations grow, their potential to increase the collaboration potential of on-line technologies also grow. Therefore, the need to implement document production control early in a project’s life cycle has proven to be critical to success. Some may argue that document control is another layer of bureaucracy. However, for projects that involve many contributors, document

    • ITIL Framework

      ITIL Framework

      The ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) framework is a collection of concepts for information technology systems and operations. It is the most widely accepted reference standard concerning a wide variety of subjects including service support, service delivery, service management, infrastructure management, application management, security management, and business strategies. Companies can refer to the ITIL framework

    • Value Stream Mapping

      Value Stream Mapping

      Value stream mapping is a popular manufacturing technique. It analyzes the flow of materials and information necessary to create a product or provide a service. The technique originated at the Toyota Corporation and is referred to as material and information flow mapping. It can be applied to any process that requires improvement. When using value

    • Change Management

      Change Management

      Someone who has worked in a corporation or with a large organization might have heard the phrase “change management” used from time to time. Change management has been around for a while, but has become extremely popular with organizations or corporations that would like to initiate significant change to processes that can include both work

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