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  • Microsoft Office

    • How to Make a Newspaper on Microsoft Word

      How to Make a Newspaper on Microsoft Word

      Creating a newspaper can be a personal project for a circle of friends and family or a serious project that is meant for publication, distribution, or sale. Whatever the purpose, creating a professional looking newspaper is something for which most newspaper creators strive. Prospective newspaper creators do not need publishing software to pull it off

    • How Do I Make Index Cards in Microsoft Word?

      How Do I Make Index Cards in Microsoft Word?

      One of the better functions of Microsoft Word is the ability to change the layout of the page so that you can create different sized documents. Making index cards in Microsoft Word is very easy and, if your printer is good, they will print and read very good. It is important, though, to get blank

    • What is Funcres.xla?

      What is Funcres.xla?

      Funcres.xla is a Microsoft Excel add-in that adds additional features to the software. Funcres.xla (Analysis Toolpak) includes 19 various features and a number of statistical functions that allow the user to correlate data and perform calculations that are not otherwise found in Microsoft Excel. However, Funcres.xla is included in most Microsoft Excel copies and the

    • How Do I Open XLS Attachments?

      How Do I Open XLS Attachments?

      An XLS attachment is an attachment for the Microsoft Office Excel program. This program allows for easy to make spread sheets. When you save the file, it is saved as a .xls. You can easily email an individual with a XLS attached and opening them is easy. The problem comes when you don’t have Excel



      MSOCACHE (Local Install Source) is a setup feature that Microsoft deploys with Microsoft Office 2003. It is a hidden folder that is installed on the target computer’s local hard drive. It can occupy up to 290 Megabytes (MB) of space depending on the Microsoft Office programs that are installed on the computer. This feature eliminates

    • Microsoft PowerPoint Password Recovery

      Microsoft PowerPoint Password Recovery

      Microsoft PowerPoint documents can utilize two passwords: Password to open Password to modify Password to open The Password to open requires a user to enter a password to view the document. When the user sets a Password to open, the entire Microsoft PowerPoint document is encrypted with the RC4 stream cipher. Password to modify The

    • How to Convert Word to PDF

      How to Convert Word to PDF

      Portable Document Format (PDF) is a file format that the Adobe Corporation developed. It is used to easily transfer documents via the Internet. PDF files are protected from changes and retain a presentation’s exact elements, thereby avoiding problems like missing fonts or broken layouts. PDF files can be viewed with Adobe Acrobat Reader, an easily

    • How Microsoft Office Activation Works

      How Microsoft Office Activation Works

      If you have just purchased Microsoft Office, you will be required to activate this product directly with Microsoft. Microsoft product activation is set up as an anti piracy feature. This feature is created in order to verify that your Microsoft Office suite is not a fake copy and is legitimately licensed to you as the

    • How to Add or Delete a Page in Microsoft Word

      How to Add or Delete a Page in Microsoft Word

      Microsoft Word is the commercial word processing program that the Microsoft Corporation created. It was first released in 1983. Since that time, the program has been upgraded to keep pace with technology and is available for use on both the Windows and OS X Operating Systems (OSs). A common task for Microsoft Word users is

    • How to Use the Outlook Autodialer

      How to Use the Outlook Autodialer

      If you find that multitasking is a way of life, autodialers can help keep everything under control. In the Microsoft Outlook environment, autodialers become another set of mouse clicks you make as you work through multiple projects simultaneously. In many respects, the question is not how to use an autodialer, but how it can be

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