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  • Microsoft Windows

    • Data Error Cyclic Redundancy Check

      Data Error Cyclic Redundancy Check

      The “Data Error Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC)” is a problem with the mathematical process the computer does in order to ensure that data is properly transferred from a particular source to a specified destination. During the cyclic redundancy check, the computer determines if the data being transferred is not damaged. When users get a “Data

    • Configuring Power Management

      Configuring Power Management

      An Introduction to Power Management and its Features Power management is a component of system performance that affects how Windows makes use of power when the computer is running under normal conditions. You can use the Power management settings to preserve energy. This in turn extends the life of hardware components of the system because

    • Monitoring and Troubleshooting DNS

      Monitoring and Troubleshooting DNS

      Monitoring DNS with the DNS Console The DNS management console includes functionality that enables you to use the console to monitor DNS activity: Event Logging tab: You can access the Event Logging tab located within the Properties dialog box of the DNS server to specify the DNS events that you want to monitor. Through the

    • How to Import Data in Excel

      How to Import Data in Excel

      Importing data to MS Excel is the process of transferring data from other database sources and converting it into .xls format. This process eliminates the need to manually enter every item into a new Excel worksheet. Importing data therefore saves the user a lot of time and reduces human error. The source data is called

    • Understanding Internet Security and Acceleration Server (ISA Server)

      Understanding Internet Security and Acceleration Server (ISA Server)

      Internet Security and Acceleration Server (ISA Server) Overview Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server (ISA Server) is combination of a firewall and Web caching server that can be used to protect the enterprise from external access, while sharing a internet connection on the network. The multilayer firewall of ISA Server protects valuable network resources of

    • How to Disable Windows 10 Spell Checker and Auto-correct?

      How to Disable Windows 10 Spell Checker and Auto-correct?

      Similar to Windows 8, Window 10 has spell checker enabled by default. Beside highlighting misspelled words while using different programs or apps, Windows will try to correct your errors by automatically changing the misspelled words into correct ones. This usually works well but sometimes will get you in funny situations. If you are a person

    • How Windows File Swapping works

      How Windows File Swapping works

      The major advantage of the Microsoft Windows operating system over the previous Disk Operating System (DOS) is that one can open and use multiple programs at the same time; hence the term “Windows” (as in having several windows – or programs or applications – open at one and the same time). This led to the

    • afd.sys


      Afd.sys (Windows Ancillary Function Driver) is a driver for Winsock, which is a program necessary to connect the computer to the Internet. It runs when the computer is booted and is responsible for all Internet connections on the computer, including wireless, LAN, browser, and third-party application connections. Afd.sys is a critical part of the Windows

    • Forest and Domain Functional Levels

      Forest and Domain Functional Levels

      Domain and forest functional levels provide a means of enabling additional domain and forest-wide Active Directory features, remove outdated backward compatibility in an environment, and improve Active Directory performance and security. In Windows 2000, the terminology for domain functional levels was domain modes. Forests in Windows 2000 have one mode and domains can have the

    • How to Fix the Unmountable Boot Volume Error Message in Windows XP

      How to Fix the Unmountable Boot Volume Error Message in Windows XP

      A common error that occurs with the Windows XP operating system (OS) that results in a system crash is the unmountable boot volume error message. When this error occurs, it is an indication that the OS is having difficulty starting or booting from the computer’s “C” drive. Due to the Windows XP OS’s maturity, the

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