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  • Networking

    • RADIUS Server

      RADIUS Server

      RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial In User Service) is a system procedure that offers centralized entrance, approval, as well as accounting administration for individuals or computers to add and utilize a network service. Individuals often need “Authentication” when they try to fix to a network. People have to face far more problems while connecting their computers

    • Network Routers

      Network Routers

      A network router is a network device with interfaces in multiple networks whose task is to copy packets from one network to another. Routers operate at Layer 3 of the OSI Model, the Network Layer. This is in contrast to switches, which operate at Layer 2 of the OSI Model, the Data-Link Layer. A network

    • Jitter


      Jitter is a variation or dislocation in the pulses of a digital transmission; it may be thought of, in a way, as irregular pulses. Jitter can manifest through variations in amplitude, signal strength, and other elements of such waves. The usual causes include connection timeouts, connection time lags, data traffic congestion, and interference. Simply put,

    • Ad Hoc Network

      Ad Hoc Network

      An ad hoc network is a type of peer to peer wireless network mode where wireless devices communicate with each other directly, without the aid of a Wireless Access Point (WAP) device. Wireless networks typically depend on a base station or WAP device to manage and direct the stream of data between wireless devices. In

    • Linksys Default Password

      Linksys Default Password

      The Linksys network router is one of the most popular home and office networking pieces of equipment sold by Cisco. The company has produced Linksys routers supporting the latest version of the 802.11 standard for more than a decade with the most current models capability of supporting the 802.11N standard supporting extremely high throughput for

    • What is a TFTP Server?

      What is a TFTP Server?

      A Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) server is based on a simple Fire Transfer Protocol (FTP) that was first defined in 1980. TFTP books routers and other computers that do not have storage devices. It also transfers small files between two or more computer network hosts such as a transfer initiated on a remote X

    • DNS Cache

      DNS Cache

      DNS (Domain Name Server) is the web server used to resolve a website’s name to its Internet Protocol (IP) address. DNS servers across the Internet are either considered authoritative with regards to a website name and corresponding IP address or are required to verify the IP address with another DNS server that will in turn

    • RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial in User Service)

      RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial in User Service)

      RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial In User Service), defined in RFC 2865, is a protocol for remote user authentication and accounting. RADIUS enables centralized management of authentication data, such as usernames and passwords. When a user attempts to login to a RADIUS client, such as a router, the router send the authentication request to the RADIUS

    • Bandwidth Monitor

      Bandwidth Monitor

      A bandwidth monitor is a computer application that is able to monitor the bandwidth of a particular network. Bandwidth monitors are able to keep track of the current network speed for both uploads and downloads, the amount of data transferred, the computer’s IP address, and the network card address. By observing the results of a

    • 802.11n


      Information technology group Wi-Fi Alliance or WFA has been testing a next generation, yet still pre-standard wireless networking program that would define wireless Internet of the future. Much ado has been tackled about the technology called 802.11n. For the average Internet user, who knows not too much about the standards and technicalities of the information

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