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    • Address Calculation Sort

      In this method, a function fn() is applied to each key. The result of this function determines into which of the several sub-files the record is to be placed. The function should have the property that x <= y, fn (x) <= fn (y). Such a function is called order preserving. Thus all of the

    • Deleting an Element from a Doubly Linked List

      Deleting an Element from a Doubly Linked List

      To delete an element from the list, first the pointers are set properly and then the memory occupied by the node to be deleted is deallocated (freed). Deletion in the list can take place at the following positions. At the beginning of the list At the end of the list After a given element Before

    • Constructors that Allocate Memory Dynamically

      Constructors that Allocate Memory Dynamically

      Constructors can be used to initialize member objects as well as allocate memory. This can allow an object to use only that amount of memory that is required immediately. This memory allocation at run-time is also known as dynamic memory allocation. The new operator is used for this purpose. Sample Program The program below shows

    • Type Conversion – Class to Basic Type

      Type Conversion – Class to Basic Type

      The constructor handles the task of converting basic types to class types very well. But you cannot use constructors for converting class types to basic data types. Instead, you can define an overloaded casting operator that can be used to convert a class data type into a basic data type. The general form of an

    • Deleting an Element from a Linear Linked List

      Deleting an Element from a Linear Linked List

      To delete an element from the list, first the pointers are set properly and then the memory occupied by the node to be deleted is deallocated (freed). This tutorial covers the deletion of a node from the following three positions: At the beginning of the list At the end of the list After a given

    • Doubly Linked List – Traversing and Search

      Doubly Linked List – Traversing and Search

      Traversing a Doubly Linked List A doubly linked list can be traversed either way and that too very conveniently. Inorder traversal Reverse order traversal Inorder Traversal To traverse the doubly linked list, we walk the list from the beginning, and process each element until we reach the last element. .cf { font-family: Lucida Console; font-size:

    • Inserting in a Doubly Linked List

      Inserting in a Doubly Linked List

      Inserting an Element To insert an element in the list, the first task is to allocate memory for a new node, assign the element to be inserted to the info field of the node, and then the new node is placed at the appropriate position by adjusting appropriate pointers. Insertion in the list can take

    • Postfix


      The sum of X and Y is written as X+Y where + is the operator while X and Y are the operands. We have always learnt to write the sum of two numbers as X + Y; this notation is know as infix. Here, we’ll be talking about the postfix notation of representing arithmetic operations.

    • Deleting an Element from a Heap

      Deleting an Element from a Heap

      Deleting an Element from the Heap Deletion always occurs at the root of the heap. If we delete the root element it creates a hole or vacant space at the root position. Because the heap must be complete, we fill the hole with the last element of the heap. Although the heap becomes complete, i.e.

    • Doubly Linked List

      Doubly Linked List

      In a doubly linked list, also called a two-way list, each node is divided into three parts: The first part, called the previous pointer field, contains the address of the preceding element in the list. The second part contains the information of the list. The third part, called the next pointer field, contains the address

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