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  • Nanotechnology

    • Nanotubes


      A nanotube is a cylinder made up of atomic particles and whose diameter is around one to a few billionths of a meter (or nanometers). They can be made from a variety of materials. Nanotubes are believed to be stronger than steel, but more flexible than plastic, and they also exhibit excellent thermal and electrical conductivity. These

    • What Are Ferrofluids?

      What Are Ferrofluids?

      A ferrofluid is a metallic liquid that becomes magnetized when placed in a magnetic field. Ferrofluids are made up of clumps of iron nanoparticles that are evenly placed throughout a carrier fluid such as water or organic solvent. These clumps all work together to create a response to a magnetic field, consequently creating a very

    • What Are Nanorobots?

      What Are Nanorobots?

      A nanobot is an extremely small robot that operates on a microscopic scale. Originally spoken of in science fiction circles, there has been an increased focus on it in biological and robotics research. The term nanorobot was created by combining the terms robot and nanometer. Other common names for robots of this size include nanobots,

    • Nanopollution


      Nanopollution refers to the waste matter or byproducts of nanoscopic device or material manufacture. Nanoscopic device or material manufacturing processes leave behind nanoparticles (smaller than a billionth of a meter) which can infiltrate the cells of humans, animals and all living organisms that may be unprepared for the influx of artificial particles. A 1941 study

    • What is a Fullerene?

      What is a Fullerene?

      A fullerene is a third form of the carbon molecule that falls in between graphite and diamond. It was named for Richard Buckminster Fuller, who was well known for geodesic dome designs whose appearance closely resembled spherical fullerenes. A Fullerene’s carbon atoms may be arranged in a cylindrical, ellipsoid, or spherical form. The spherical fullerenes

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