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    • Magnesium Anodes

      Magnesium Anodes

      Sacrificial anodes are used in cathodic protection systems in order to protect the primary metallic component(s) from corrosion. A magnesium anode is a type of metal used on boats and ships in order to protect the vessel’s other metallic parts. It first protects the area’s less active metal and acts as a corrosion barrier. How

    • Pulse Induction Metal Detectors

      Pulse Induction Metal Detectors

      Metal detector technology has been used for a number of decades to locate various metallic artifacts and precious metallic ores. An uncommon, but accurate metal detector is the Pulse Induction Metal Detector. It uses Pulse Induction Technology to find metals. What is Pulse Induction Technology? In Pulse Induction technology, a coil is used as a

    • What is Luminous Flux?

      What is Luminous Flux?

      Luminous flux (luminous power) is the measurement of the (perceived) power of light. It is adjusted to take the human eye’s sensitivity to the different wavelengths of light into account. Luminous flux differs from radiant flux in this manner, since radiant flux is a measurement of the total power of light emitted independent of wavelength.

    • Molality


      Molality is the number of moles in a solute per kilogram of solvent. It is often confused with the term molarity, which is an alternative unit for concentration that measures the number of moles of solute per liter of solution. Molality is commonly used when experiments require significant temperature changes. This is because a solute’s

    • How Do Quartz Watches Work?

      How Do Quartz Watches Work?

      A quartz watch is one that uses a tiny, paper thin piece of quartz to measure the time. An electrical pulse is sent into the quartz which causes it to vibrate. This vibrating is then picked up by the watch and it is measured. Then, the vibrating pulse is sent to the hand which turns

    • Nanopollution


      Nanopollution refers to the waste matter or byproducts of nanoscopic device or material manufacture. Nanoscopic device or material manufacturing processes leave behind nanoparticles (smaller than a billionth of a meter) which can infiltrate the cells of humans, animals and all living organisms that may be unprepared for the influx of artificial particles. A 1941 study

    • Parabolic Mirror

      Parabolic Mirror

      Parabolic mirrors are specially shaped in order to capture and focus energy onto a single point. They also distribute energy from a single point outwards. The mirrors are a specific paraboloid type that is rotated around its axis, and is also known as a circular paraboloid. Parabolic mirrors are also referred to as parabolic reflectors

    • Harmonic Balancer

      Harmonic Balancer

      A harmonic balancer is a device that is connected to an engine’s crankshaft in order to reduce any vibration’s negative impact on the crankshaft and to dissipate the energy that shaft rotation creates. Since the device is the engine compartment’s first element that is connected to the shaft, it absorbs the majority of the energy

    • Silicone Grease

      Silicone Grease

      Silicone grease is made when a thickener is combined with silicone oil in order to create a waterproof grease. The most common thickener used to make this grease is amorphousfumed silica with polydimethylsiloxane as the silicone oil. The resulting mixture is a translucent, viscous, white paste that has lubrication properties depending on the exact formula

    • How Do Neurons Communicate?

      How Do Neurons Communicate?

      Neurons communicate by sending electrical signals throughout the body. The exact process is an electrochemical one and the speed in which neurons communicate is so fast that seeing someone drop out of someone's hand and trying to grab for it–a process that requires the image to get into the brain, processed and then a signal

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