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    • What is a Plasma Cutter?

      What is a Plasma Cutter?

      A plasma cutter is a device that directs an ionized gas at an object under extreme temperatures. Plasma cutters are often used for industrial purposes, such as cutting metal, and are dependent on plasma, an extremely hot state of matter. Plasma cutters are essentially a type of plasma torch meant for cutting metal rather than

    • Air Circulators

      Air Circulators

      An air circulator is basically a fan. Although the term “air circulator” most often refers to an industrial fan that is used in a warehouse, factory, or office building, it can also refer to a regular household fan. Air circulators also refer to air conditioning units and other types of air cooling devices. They are

    • Electromagnets


      Electromagnets are magnets whose magnetic properties come from or are generated through electricity. A magnet is a material (this is usually metal), which has at least one pair of negative and positive poles. These opposite poles' attraction produces a magnetic field. This gives the magnet the ability to 'attract' metals such as iron or steel.

    • What is the Speed of Light in MPH?

      What is the Speed of Light in MPH?

      The speed of light in MPH is 670,616,629 mph, 299,792,458 meters per second, or 186, 282 miles per second. Light takes approximately one second to travel the 238,854 miles to the moon. The speed of light is considered a physical constant that is used in many areas of physics. This is because light always travels

    • Harmonic Scalpel

      Harmonic Scalpel

      Electrosurgery is the the term used when high-frequency electrical current is used to cut, fulgurate, desiccate, or coagulate tissue with very little blood loss during surgery. The Harmonic scalpel is one of two competing brands in this field that help increase a surgeon’s efficiency and reduce the overall recovery time for patients. The device consists

    • Brain Computer Interface

      Brain Computer Interface

      A brain computer interface (BCI) is an external devices that communicate directly to the brain of humans or animals through neuron silicon interfaces. These external devices can either transmit or receive signals to and from the brain which can then be used to restore function or movement to sensory organs or limbs. Furthermore, these external

    • Clean Gas Induction

      Clean Gas Induction

      Clean gas induction, commonly referred to as CGI, is a technology found in specific types of engines to reduce harmful environmental emissions and improve fuel efficiency. Clean gas induction technology is found in specific types of engines including stratified charge engines and engines using Caterpillar ACERT technology. It should be noted that this technology is

    • The Coriolis Effect

      The Coriolis Effect

      The Coriolis effect is the tendency for a moving body that is on or above the Earth’s surface to drift sideways from its intended course due to the Earth’s rotation. The direction of drift is to the right in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere. This is because the Earth’s

    • What Fuels Are Used in Power Plants?

      What Fuels Are Used in Power Plants?

      There are many different types of power plants. Depending on the type of fuel someone wants to use determines what kind of power plant someone would build. The most powerful power plant is a nuclear power plant, but this is also the most controversial because of events such as Chernobyl and because it is difficult

    • Radiometric Dating

      Radiometric Dating

      Radiometric dating is a process of identifying the age of a material based on known half-lives of decaying radioactive materials found in both organic and inorganic objects. Radiometric dating is often used to determine the age of rocks, bones, and ancient artifacts. In fact, radiometric dating can be used to determine the age of the

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