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    • How a Laser Printer Works

      How a Laser Printer Works

      A laser printer unlike an inkjet printer uses a laser light beam for printing operations. It is also distinct from other printers because of its exceptional printing speed as well as highly accurate rendering. It utilizes a xerographic (a process of creating an image by the action of light on a specifically coated charged plate)

    • Hybrid Cars

      Hybrid Cars

      Most hybrid cars use a combination of gasoline and electric engines. There are also types of hybrid cars that use a combination of diesel and electric engines. Gasoline & Electric -Powered Cars ‘Regular’ gasoline-powered cars derive their propulsion power from combustion of gasoline. The combustion of gas produces the energy needed to turn the transmission

    • What is Electrotherapy?

      What is Electrotherapy?

      Electrotherapy is a medical technique in which an electric current is used to perform a wide variety of tasks associated with pain, neurological disorders, muscle-related conditions, and drug delivery. Electrotherapy includes a range of medical techniques, some of which are under much debate and criticism. While electrotherapy itself is an accepted form of medical treatment,

    • Fraxel Laser

      Fraxel Laser

      Fraxel laser is a technology that is used for dealing with age spots, melasma (Mask of Pregnancy), sunspots, wrinkles at various parts of the face, upper lip lines, sun burned skin, and acne scars. Today it is the prime technology used for treating acne scars, as it barely creates any downtime. Initially developed and implemented

    • Perigee


      Perigee is a term used to describe the closest point at which an object orbits the Earth or another object in space. When an object is at its perigee, it travels faster than it does at any other point in its orbit because it is under the influence of the strongest gravitational force that its

    • Adhesive Removers

      Adhesive Removers

      An adhesive remover is a chemical that can break the chemical bonds of adhesives. There is a wide variety of adhesive removers because there are many different types of adhesives. Each adhesive on the market has a slightly different formula/chemical structure. Therefore, an adhesive remover must be specifically formulated to break down each adhesive. Adhesive

    • How Laser Skin Tightening Works

      How Laser Skin Tightening Works

      Laser skin tightening is done through the use of lasers to tighten the old and “loose” skin to give the appearance of youthful skin. After the technology was changed in the early 1990s from the ablative technology to the non-ablative technology, the risk and the recovery times from the treatments have greatly lessened. Especially the

    • What is a Permeable Membrane?

      What is a Permeable Membrane?

      A membrane is a barrier that prevents entry of materials. Membranes can be permeable, which allows certain materials to go in and out of the barrier based on a variety of factors. Permeable Membrane in Biology In biology, a simple example of a permeable membrane is a cell wall. In both plant and animal cells,

    • What is an Acetylene Torch?

      What is an Acetylene Torch?

      Acetylene is a hydrocarbon compound and is the simplest form of alkyne. Acetylene is colorless and extremely unstable in its pure form, which is why it is almost always mixed with other chemicals and handled as a solution. Acetylene was once the preferred gas in welding/cutting applications due to its ability to reach extremely high

    • What is Flocculation?

      What is Flocculation?

      Flocculation is when microscopic particles bind together to form larger particles in liquids. It occurs naturally or artificially in water as well as other solutions. Flocculation is used in applications such as water purification, sewage treatment, cheese production, and brewing. It is also used in surface and physical chemistry, biology, and civil engineering. The term

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