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    • What is Stereolithography?

      What is Stereolithography?

      Stereolithography is a recently discovered process by which products, especially prototypes, can be constructed one layer at a time by using UV-curable photopolymer resins and a UV laser. While stereolithography cannot create every type of material, it produces a wide variety of products for testing, analysis, or review. Stereolithography can be used for a wide

    • Humidity Sensors

      Humidity Sensors

      Humidity sensors (hygrometers) measure and report the air’s relative humidity. They are used in homes, wine cellars, and working environments that that are so humid that they negatively impact working conditions. Humidity sensors are also used in vehicles, industrial HVAC systems, and meteorological stations to help in the predicting and reporting of weather conditions. How

    • What is FTIR Spectroscopy?

      What is FTIR Spectroscopy?

      FTIR spectroscopy (Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy) is a technique that uses infrared light to observe properties of a solid, liquid, or gas. It is used in many different applications to measure the absorption, emission, and photo-conductivity of matter by shining a narrow beam of infrared light at the matter in various wavelengths and detecting how

    • How Do Zambonis Work?

      How Do Zambonis Work?

      In the world of ice hockey and ice skating, there is nothing more important than maintenance of the ice. Failure to properly take care of an ice rink could result in broken bones, property damage, or the loss of a game. In order to efficiently care for an ice rink, ice rink owners spend large

    • Terahertz Radiation

      Terahertz Radiation

      Terahertz radiation is a selection of the electromagnetic wave spectrum that propagates at frequencies regarded as the terahertz band. ‘Radiation physics of energetic waves’ defines the terahertz band as tremendously high frequency. The terahertz band can be applied within the bracket of 300 gigahertz (high frequency microwave) and 3000 gigahertz (long wavelength far infrared light).

    • How to Disable Onstar

      How to Disable Onstar

      Disabling Onstar is not a task that is as simple as pushing a button. Onstar is a device that permits the vehicle to be tracked and, if something happens to the vehicle, allows an operator to conact the vehicle. For some people, there is discomfort with Onstar having the ability to track the vehicle. To

    • Methyl Iodide

      Methyl Iodide

      Methyl Iodide is a chemical compound that is relatively volatile. It is commonly found in the form of a dense, colorless liquid. It is also known as iodomethane and has the chemical formula CH3I (one carbon atom with three hydrogen atoms and a single iodine atom connected to it). Methyl iodide is a naturally occurring

    • Alpha Particles

      Alpha Particles

      What are Alpha Particles? An alpha particle is a type of ionizing radiation that is exerted from radioactive materials. Alpha particles consist of two neutrons, two protons, and no electrons, giving it a net positive charge. This positive charge allows the alpha particles to leave their nucleus and bombard any nearby items with radiation. Alpha

    • Petabyte


      A petabyte is a measurement unit that describes a piece of information that is equal to 1,000 terabytes or one quadrillion bytes of data. A single petabyte is equal to 1,000,000,000,000,000 bytes . When a petabyte describes computer memory, it is also used in reference to a corresponding power of 1024. The approved scientific symbol

    • What is a Karnaugh Map?

      What is a Karnaugh Map?

      A Karnaugh map is a graphical method or shortcut that can be used to solve Boolean algebra problems. Boolean algebra is used to conduct computations and create expressions from two values. This type of math creates the basis behind much of computer science and modern circuit card design today. Maurice Karnaugh created the current version

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