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    • What is Microfarad?

      What is Microfarad?

      The term microfarad is used to describe a unit of capacitance that is 0.000001 farad. The symbol that represents a microfarad is µF. It is commonly used in utility alternating-current and audio frequency circuits. The capacitors that are found in them normally have a rating of 1 µF or more. However, even smaller capacitors are

    • What Causes Volcanoes?

      What Causes Volcanoes?

      A volcano is typically found where two or  more tectonic plates are either converging or diverging. The result is a rupture in the surface of the planet which then allows hot ashes, gas, and volcanic lava to rise up from the magma chamber located underneath the Earth’s surface to the atmosphere. Some of the common

    • How Do Rockets Work?

      How Do Rockets Work?

      Since the United States first landed a man on the moon, children and adults have been fascinated with how rockets work! Whether one is trying to fly a small model rocket or launching a star ship to rendezvous with the International Space Station, the principles of how rockets work remain the same. Although rocketry has

    • Dielectric Constant

      Dielectric Constant

      A dielectric constant measures the extent that a material concentrates electrostatic flux and is also known as the relative static permittivity, static dielectric constant, and relative dielectric constant. It is essential when determining if a substance can be used in a capacitor or various chemistry and physics applications. A material’s dielectric constant value must be

    • What Are Ceramic Briquettes?

      What Are Ceramic Briquettes?

      Ceramic briquettes are special accessories for gas grills that help consume less fuel. These briquettes come in various styles and can help to give the classic grilling to meats and other dishes that are prepared over the grill. The ceramic briquettes also help to distribute the heat more evenly and this is effective in producing heat for

    • What is Bioluminescence?

      What is Bioluminescence?

      A living organism is bioluminescent when it produces and emits light. Most organisms that do this live in the sea. However, there are several land insects and plants that also have bioluminescent qualities, including the firefly. The trait has typically evolved in organisms that either need to communicate with each other or lure/detect prey. How

    • What is Phosphorescence?

      What is Phosphorescence?

      Phosphorescence is an effect in which some chemicals re-emit light that they absorb. It is similar to fluorescence, except that the chemical reactions within phosphorescent materials happen less often, thus they take longer to emit light. Phosphorescent materials can be recharged by being exposed to light and may store light for several hours before it

    • How Do Tsunamis Form?

      How Do Tsunamis Form?

      A tsunami is formed when there is an earthquake, volcanic eruption or, more rarely, a landslide underwater. Typically, neither the earthquake, eruption or landslide are felt because they are so deep under water. However, the actions that have taken place are the first steps that lead to a massive tsunami that can cause tremendous damage

    • How Hurricanes Form

      How Hurricanes Form

      Hurricanes are caused by immense low pressured formed over the warm oceans in the summer and early fall months. With this low pressure, water vapor is evaporated off of the ocean surface. This water vapor releases the latent heat of condensation which causes all of the water to begin forming into clouds. This condensation forms

    • Future Flying Cars

      Future Flying Cars

      A flying car is a personal flying machine that does not require special equipment, runways, or traffic routes. Flying cars differ from commercial aircraft such as airliners, helicopters, and jets. Flying cars are designed to hold only a few people and are no larger than a regular automobile. While flying car designs have been in

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