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  • Security

    • Steganography

      Steganography has gained a significant amount of press over the past several years when the technique hit the press as a possible method that many of the terrorists involved with the 9/11 attacks used to plan the operation. Similar to the use of encryption, steganography techniques have become one of the basic methods that organizations

    • How to Reset a MySQL Password

      How to Reset a MySQL Password

      A MySQL password can be reset in 5 easy steps: Stop the mysqld daemon process. Start the mysqld daemon process with the –skip-grant-tables option. Start the mysql client with the -u root option. Execute the UPDATE mysql.user SET Password=PASSWORD(‘password’) WHERE User=’root’; Execute the FLUSH PRIVILEGES; command. These steps reset the password for the “root” account

    • Browser Cookie

      Browser Cookie

      A browser cookie is a small piece of information sent by a web server to a web browser to be stored for future use. The data in the browser cookie will be sent back to the web server whenever the browser reconnects to the web site. Cookies are commonly used to store user preference information,

    • Buffer Overflow

      Buffer Overflow

      A buffer overflow occurs when a computer application attempts to assign data to a data structure past the point that the structure is designed to store information. In the classic case, a buffer is a sequential memory section that is assigned to contain information. The type of information can vary from an array of integers

    • Tools that Hackers Use

      Tools that Hackers Use

      Breaking into secured networks or computers is not an easy job, especially with the level of security some companies employ. Still, the fact remains – anything the mind of man can conjure can be broken into – and this is a challenge that no hacker can resist. Understanding the means by which hackers pursue their

    • Cisco Router Default Passwords

      Cisco Router Default Passwords

      Cisco routers are routers that Cisco, a leading provider in network devices, produces. Cisco has millions of customers worldwide and produces thousands of products, including routers, modems, and network storage devices that allow the user to connect to the Internet. Cisco also produces USB based Internet cards and distributes service plans that a wide variety

    • How to Open a Simplex Lock

      How to Open a Simplex Lock

      Simplex locks, now manufactured by Kaba Ilco, are simple push-button combination locks. Simplex locks are used to protect equipment rooms, labs, and FedEx-type boxes. Simplex locks are used whenever having a large number of keys would create logistical problems. Simplex Lock Combinations The Simplex lock would be a normal 5-button combination lock, except for one

    • Kerberos


      Kerberos is a network authentication protocol which utilizes symmetric cryptography to provide authentication for client-server applications. Kerberos Standard Definition Kerberos is defined in RFC 1510 – The Kerberos Network Authentication Service (V5). Kerberos Architecture The core of  Kerberos architecture is the KDC (Key Distribution Server). The KDC stores authentication information and uses it to securely

    • TP Link Default Password

      TP Link Default Password

      TP Link is large manufacturer of networking products that boasts tens of millions of customers worldwide. TP Link produces thousands of networking products, including modems, routers, and network storage devices. TP Link also markets a number of USB based modem cards, device emulators, and service packages for a variety of cellular and Internet providers. TP

    • How to Decrypt Cisco Passwords

      How to Decrypt Cisco Passwords

      If  ‘service password-encryption’ is not configured on the Cisco device, simply read the plain text passwords from the configuration file. If ‘service password-encryption’ is configured on the Cisco device, most of the passwords are encrypted with a weak encryption algorithm (Type 7) that is easy to decrypt. Once there is access to the Cisco configuration

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