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  • DSP Tutorials

    All About DSP Tricks

    This tutorial provides information on some of the lesser-known DSP tricks for the optimization of algorithms.

    How Do I learn DSP?

    This tutorial provides excellent advice on how to find DSP information that you need. It also provides different strategies that are useful in fully understanding DSP.

    FAQs on Digital Signal Processing

    This link provides a highly authoritative FAQ listing on Digital Signal Processing. The FAQs range from general advice to algorithms and programmable DSP chips.

    The Scientist and Engineer’s Guide to Digital Signal Processing

    Aimed at students and professionals, this excellent e-book explains DSP concepts in a way that’s actually enjoyable to read. The tutorial provides information on many classic and modern applications of DSP.DSP Tutorials

    Introduction to Statistical Signal Processing

    This link provides an online version of the book “Introduction to Statistical Signal Processing” by R.M. Gray and L.D. Davisson. The file is provided in PDF format, which can be opened using the Acrobat Reader application available from the Adobe website.

    Yehar’s Digital Sound Processing Tutorial for the Braindead

    This tutorial provides a comprehensive introduction to DSP. It provides excellent practical information for anyone interested in the processing of digital sound.

    Mixed Signal and DSP Design Techniques

    This tutorial covers a wide range of topics that range from sampled data-systems to fast Fourier transforms and the selection of DSP hardware. It also explains how to use DSP hardware and provides excellent practical knowledge to the reader.

    Bores Signal Processing – Introduction to DSP

    This website has a free online course on DSPs with topics ranging from basics such as sampling and aliasing to advanced ones such as FFT windows.

    Signals, Samples and Stuff: A DSP Tutorial (Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4)

    These e-books form a four part series on DSPs. The tutorials introduce you to DSP and provide details on advanced techniques.

    Concise DSP Tutorial

    This tutorial provides a quick review of fundamental concepts. It covers topics related to algorithms and applications, including domain techniques, digital filters and adaptive DSP.

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