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  • Flatbed Scanner – Pros and Cons

    A flatbed scanner is a device that is able to scan a document and then convert what it has read into digital information. Flatbed scanners are different from other types of scanner because flatbed scanners allow the user to simply lay the document down on the machine, close the lid, and scan both sides of the document simultaneously within a matter of seconds. There are many different types of scanners but this article will focus on the pros and cons of flatbed scanners.

    1. Quality
    Flatbed scanners have a significant advantage over other types of scanners because they are widely known for their high quality scans. While any scanner can make a digital representation of a document, most crinkle the paper during the scan or cause the image to appear lopsided. Other types of scanners are also known for poor quality in general due to large amounts of equipment being stuffed into a small space. While flatbed scanners are larger than other types of scanners, they are able to take a perfect snapshot of both sides of the document without moving the document in any way.

    2. Easy To Use
    Another advantage of flatbed scanners is that they are extremely easy to use, especially for new users. In order to use a flatbed scanner, the user simply places a document inside of the machine and closes the top. The user then turns the scanner on, adjusts the settings if he/she wishes, and then presses the “Scan” button. Flatbed scanners may appear to be difficult to operate but they are actually much easier to use than other types of scanners. This statement is supported by the fact that nearly all home offices include a flatbed scanner.

    1. Space Consumption
    A disadvantage of flatbed scanners is that they are often large and bulky. While this is not always the case, flatbed scanners do tend to take up more room than other scanners. However, the difference in space is minimal as flatbed scanners do not usually take up more than two square feet of desk space. Just as the user would have to make room for a printer, stereo, or other desk commodity, he/she would need to make room for a flatbed scanner. If the user cannot make room for a flatbed scanner on his/her desk, wireless options are now available that would allow the user to place the scanner in another area of his/her home or office and still have the exact same features.

    2. Price
    Another disadvantage of flatbed scanners is that they are often quite expensive. While prices are dropping dramatically for not only flatbed scanners but nearly all electronics in general, users will still need to pay over a hundred dollars for a decent flatbed scanner. Users should shop around in both stores and the Internet in order to find a well-priced flatbed scanner that he/she will feel comfortable with. Not all flatbed scanners are the same and models vary significantly in both design and features.

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