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  • Free IT Certification Practice Tests

    I am pleased to announce a new feature here at The Tech-FAQ: practice exams for IT certifications.

    We have released our first practice exam, 70-410 Installing and Configuring Microsoft Windows Server 2012. This practice exam will help our site visitors achieve the MCSA, MCSE, and MCSM certifications from Microsoft.

    studyEach time you take the practice exam you will be asked 25 questions from a much larger pool of questions.  This helps to keep the exams short enough to be convenient, but it also means that you can take the exams to test your knowledge as you progress in your study.

    Our plan is to make these exams available free of charge, even though competitors like Transcender charge $139 for a single practice exam. Our goals are to create additional practice exams for Microsoft Certification, as well as adding exams for Cisco and CompTIA certifications. In addition, we will continue to add new questions to existing exams in order to provide fresh questions for students who take the same exam multiple times.

    These exams require significant investments of time and effort to create, which is why companies like Transcender are able to charge $139 for 113 practice exam questions. Instead of asking for your money though, we would like to ask for your feedback to help us improve the exams and for your assistance in telling others about the exams. The more people take our practice tests, the more we will be motivated to keep creating these free exams.

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