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  • How to Change a MAC Address

    Every Ethernet card had a factory assigned MAC address burned into it when it was made. At times, users may want to change this MAC address to one of their choice. One of the main reasons for doing this is to get around access control lists(s) on a specific router or server, either by hiding a certain device on a network or by allowing it to mimic another network device.

    The procedures for changing a MAC address are specific to each operating system.

    How to Change a MAC address in Microsoft Windows

    Under Windows, the MAC address is stored in a registry key. To change a MAC address, find that key with ‘regedit’ and change it. Of course, Microsoft keeps moving the key location around! Alternately, try to alter the NIC card’s information, which can be done by going into the Properties Tab.

    To change the MAC address via ‘regedit,’ alter the appropriate values in the ” NetworkAddress” that is located in the subkey of  ‘HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESystemCurrentControlSetControlClass{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}’.

    In Windows XP, there is an option to change the MAC address on some network cards under the Advanced tab in the network adapter’s Properties menu.

    There is a software utility program that has an easier and more reliable method of changing a MAC address in Windows:

    Macshift is a free utility that spoofs MAC addresses under Microsoft Windows.

    Ethernet card

    How to Change a MAC Address in Windows 7

    In Windows 7 press the Windows menu, go to Control Panel > Hardware and Sound > Device Manager (under Devices and Printers). In the Device Manager, select “Network adapters” and pick the network device (something like Marvell Yukon PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet Controller). Right click on it and choose properties. In a dialog that pops up, go to the Advanced tab, select “Network Address” in a list, select the radio button next to the blank Value field, and enter the new MAC address.

    How to Change a MAC Address in MacOS

    Instructions for changing the MAC address on a Macintosh can be found at MAC Spoofing on the Macintosh.

    How to Change a MAC Address in FreeBSD

    In FreeBSD, change the MAC address with the ‘ifconfig’ command.

    • ifconfig {name of the interface} down
    • ifconfig {name of the interface} hw ether {new MAC address}
    • ifconfig {name of the interface} up

    How to Change a MAC Address in Linux

    Under Linux, change the MAC address with ‘ifconfighw,’ or use the GNU MAC Changer (try finding it in your distribution’s repository).

    How to Change a MAC Address in Solaris

    In Solaris, change the MAC address with the ‘ifconfig’ command.

    How to Change a MAC Address in OpenBSD

    OpenBSD does not, by default, allow users to change the MAC address. It is possible to change the MAC address under OpenBSD with sea.c.

    How to Change a MAC Address in HP-UX

    Under HP-UX, change the MAC address in SAM by selecting Networking and Communications, then selecting the interface, Action, Modify, and Advanced Options. HP-UX refers to the MAC address as the “station address.”

    Changing a MAC Address in Hardware

    Speed Demon Adapters sells network cards that allow users to change the MAC address stored in their EERPROM.

    This can give users the ability to change their MAC address under any operating system that supports either the PCI bus or PCMCIA Type II cards.

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    1. Yuzhed

      29 August, 2012 at 2:17 am

      My network adapter registry contain a filter list that ignore changes for certain mac address value, any idea how to remove it so i can change to any mac address?
      window 7 64 bit..

      • Daniel Memetic

        31 August, 2012 at 4:24 am

        I assume you have MAC address filtering enabled in your router. You should login to your router and go to the settings to disable it. The exact procedure depends on the brand of router you have. Usually you visit an address like in your web browser to get to your router’s interface, enter your username and password for it, and navigate to the appropriate settings.

    2. муамар

      26 February, 2012 at 1:31 pm

      переведите мне на русский пожалуйста,праграмным путём можно сменить или только если какое-то устройство к компу подключать?

    3. Syed Raheel Ahmed

      2 January, 2012 at 6:06 am

      Dear Sir,
      How are you? i want to ask about MAC address. i have four Ethernet devices but there is a problem these devices have same mac address… i want to change them … is it possible to change them by myself?

    4. Michael

      30 December, 2011 at 7:03 pm

      In Windows 7 press the Windows menu, go to Control Panel > Hardware and Sound > Device Manager (under Devices and Printers). In the Device Manager, select “Network adapters” and pick the network device (something like Marvell Yukon PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet Controller). Right click on it and choose properties. In a dialog that pops up, go to the Advanced tab, select “Network Address” in a list, select the radio button next to the blank Value field, and enter the new MAC address.

    5. Madawa Wilson

      29 November, 2011 at 10:22 pm

      00:1f:16:b2:a7:95 that is the current address,i need to change it to a value for Windows 7,how do i do that?

    6. sam

      5 November, 2011 at 1:52 am

      i tried using macidchanger… bt it shows

      • abcdefg

        16 February, 2012 at 7:20 pm

        Be sure you have administrator rights in Vista/Windows 7. Maybe you must right click on executable and select “Run as administrator” and give permission to UAC.

    7. Anish

      29 July, 2011 at 2:34 pm

      Will this trick work when there is mac id filtering enabled in the router?
      I mean If my MAC is not listed in the filter, can i access the internet using another mac address which has been registered in the router?

    8. Qasim Sahi

      4 April, 2011 at 5:17 am

      how to chnage my mac adress of , nokia 5630-d-1 express muxik…!
      i am stuck, kindly guide…!

      • memenode

        5 April, 2011 at 10:23 pm

        Try typing in #MAC0WLAN#


    9. manas

      28 March, 2011 at 8:18 am

      send me information to change MAC address of my system,in vienne(windows 7).

      • memenode

        29 March, 2011 at 10:53 pm

        I added Windows 7 instructions to the article.

    10. tishri

      3 March, 2011 at 1:54 pm

      Macshift works okay with windows 7 professional edition. After you change the macaddress just disable/enable the hardware.

    11. Will.Spencer

      7 February, 2011 at 3:44 am


      That’s a bit odd, as both packages officially support Win7.

    12. Daniel Memenode

      14 October, 2010 at 9:49 pm

      Originally posted by NotVista: “Macshift utility does only for Win XP. Do you have a solution for Vista/7?”

      Did you try SMAC and Technitium? Let us know if they work in Vista and 7.

    13. NotVista

      14 October, 2010 at 5:58 pm

      Macshift utility does only for Win XP. Do you have a solution for Vista/7?

    14. Kakynologyst

      30 July, 2010 at 11:43 pm

      Great information, thanks

    15. Binkster

      11 July, 2010 at 9:10 pm

      With regard to OpenBSD, the article is incorrect. man ifconfig and see lladdr.

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