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  • How to FTP into an XBOX

    Connecting to an Xbox via FTP can be done in two possible ways: By directly connecting an UTP cable, or by connecting through a router where the Xbox is plugged in. You just need a FTP client afterwards.

    FTP into an Xbox using a Direct Cable

    You will need a crossover Ethernet cable in order to establish the connection. Many users attempt this with a straight UTP cable, which won’t work for obvious reasons. Make sure you turn off any firewall or anti-virus protection that will possibly interfere with the connection you are about to create.

    Second, you will have to alter your Xbox networking settings so you can establish a small network. The easiest way to do so is to set its IP address to a static AND private one. (Feel free to use any IP address ranging from –, –, – Save those settings and carry on to setting your computer. If you want a specific example, you can go with

    You will have to set your computer’s network card to use an IP address in the same /24 class. That means you just have to change the last number. For example, you can go with for the computer, static allocation as well.

    Go to Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Network Connections -> Double click on Local Area Connection -> Properties -> Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) -> Properties -> Check ‘Use the following IP address’ and enter there. Leave the other fields exactly as they are and push OK.

    Reboot your Xbox and give it a few moments for it to boot up. Now, open up your FTP client. By default the username and the password to access your console are xbox and xbox, both lowercase. Set your FTP client to connect to your console’s IP address with the required username and password, on port 21. If the above steps have been followed correctly, you should now be connected to the Xbox and be able to transfer files from/to it.

    FTP into an Xbox using a Router

    For this step, you will need a straight-through Ethernet cable, not a crossover one.

    Make sure your router is fully functional before you begin, that you have a computer connected to it with and that you can access the router’s configuration interface.

    First, access your router and make sure its DHCP server is turned on and it will offer an IP address to any equipment that requests it. For detailed instructions on how to do that, refer to your router’s configuration manual.

    Connect your Xbox to the router using the straight cable and then turn off your Xbox’s Static IP setting. By doing that, it will automatically try to get an IP address from the nearest connected equipment. That would be your router. After you click save, go back to your dashboard and you will see an IP address there.

    Open your FTP client and use that IP address and the same username/password as above in order to connect to the console.

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