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  • Police Scanner Codes

    A police scanner is basically a radio scanner that is also a receiver that receives wireless radio signals. A scanner identifies these wireless radio waves. A scanner can identify numerous radio signals and bands concurrently making it easy to keep track of many channels simultaneously. The phrase “police scanner” derives from the fact that the majority of scanner users take pleasure in listening to police radio broadcast.

    Police scanner codes vary from department to department. Most codes are reasonably standard, but a few of the codes are specific to the police department to which the user is listening.

    Police Scanner Codes

    Code 2 Urgent – no light or siren
    Code 3 Use lights and siren
    Code 4 No further assistance needed
    Code 5 Stakeout
    Code 6 Stay out of area
    Code 7 Meal break
    Code 8 Restroom break
    Code 9 Summer uniform
    Code 10 SWAT pre-call up
    Code 11 SWAT call up
    Code 37 Subject/property wanted

    Police Scanner Ten Codes

    10-00 Officer down, all patrols respond
    10-0 Caution
    10-1 Reception poor
    10-2 Reception good
    10-3 Stop transmitting
    10-4 Message received, understood
    10-5 Repay message
    10-6 Change channel
    10-7 Out of service
    10-7A Out of service, home
    10-7B Out of service, personal
    10-8 In service
    10-9 Repeat message
    10-10 Off duty
    10-10A Off duty, home
    10-11 Identify frequency
    10-12 Visitor(s) present
    10-13 Weather and road advice
    10-14 Citizen w/suspect
    10-15 Prisoner in custody
    10-16 Pick up prisoner
    10-17 Request for gasoline
    10-18 Equipment exchange
    10-19 Return(ing) to station
    10-20 Location
    10-21 Telephone
    10-21A Advise home I will return at ____
    10-22 Disregard last assignment
    10-23 Stand by
    10-24 Request car-to-car transmit
    10-25 Do you have contact with ____
    10-26 Clear
    10-27 D.D.L. report
    10-28 Registration request
    10-29 Check for wants
    10-29F Subject wanted, felony
    10-29H Hazard potential from subject
    10-29M Subject wanted, misdemeanor
    10-29V Vehicle wanted
    10-30 Doesn’t conform to regulations
    10-32 Drowning
    10-33 Alarm sounding, audible
    10-34 Assist at office
    10-35 Time check
    10-36 Confidential information
    10-37 Identify operator
    10-39 Can ____ come to the radio?
    10-40 Is ____ available for phone call?
    10-42 Check the welfare of/at ____
    10-43 Call a doctor
    10-45 Condition of patient?
    10-45A Condition of patient: good
    10-45B Condition of patient: serious
    10-45C Condition of patient: critical
    10-45D Condition of patient: dead
    10-49 Proceed to ____
    10-50 Under influence of drugs
    10-51 Drunk
    10-52 Resuscitator
    10-53 Man down
    10-54 Possible dead body
    10-55 Coroner case
    10-56 Suicide
    10-56A Suicide attempt
    10-57 Missing person
    10-59 Security check
    10-60 Lock-out
    10-61 Miscellaneous public service
    10-62 Meet a citizen
    10-62A Take a report from a citizen
    10-62B Civilian standby
    10-63 Prepare to copy
    10-64 Found property
    10-66 Suspicious person
    10-67 Person calling for help
    10-68 Telephone for police
    10-70 Prowler
    10-71 Shooting
    10-72 Gun involved
    10-73 How do you receive?
    10-79 Bomb threat
    10-80 Explosion
    10-86 Any radio traffic?
    10-88 Assume post
    10-91 Animal
    10-91A Animal, stray
    10-91B Animal, noisy
    10-91C Animal, injured
    10-91D Animal, dead
    10-91E Animal, bite
    10-91G Animal, pickup
    10-91J Animal, pickup collect
    10-91L Animal, leash law violation
    10-91V Animal, vicious
    10-95 Requesting ID tech unit
    10-97 Arrived at scene
    10-98 Available to assign
    10-99 Warrants or stolen vehicle indicated
    10-100 Misdemeanor warrant
    10-109 Suicide
    10-200 Drugs involved
    10-600 Livestock down
    10-1000 Felony warrant

    Police Scanner Eleven Codes

    11-10 Take report
    11-24 Abandoned vehicle
    11-25 Traffic hazard
    11-26 Abandoned bicycle
    11-27 D.D.L. report with driver held
    11-28 Registration request with driver held
    11-40 Advise if ambulance needed
    11-41 Ambulance needed
    11-42 No ambulance needed
    11-48 Furnish transportation
    11-51 Escort
    11-52 Funeral detail
    11-54 Suspicious vehicle
    11-55 Officer being followed by auto
    11-56 Office being followed by auto dangerous persons
    11-57 Unidentified auto at assignments
    11-58 Radio monitored, use phone
    11-59 Intensive attention: high hazard, business areas
    11-60 Attack in high hazard area
    11-65 Signal light out
    11-66 Defective traffic signal light
    11-78 Aircraft accident
    11-79 Accident – ambulance sent
    11-80 Accident – major injuries
    11-81 Accident – minor injuries
    11-82 Accident – no injuries
    11-83 Accident – no detail
    11-84 Manual traffic control requested
    11-85 Tow truck requested
    11-86 Bomb threat
    11-87 Bomb found
    11-94 Pedestrian stop
    11-95 Routine traffic stop
    11-96 Checking suspicious vehicle
    11-97 Time/security check on patrol
    11-98 Meet ____
    11-99 Under attack, immediate assistace required!

    Police Scanner Penal Codes

    187 Homicide
    207 Kidnapping
    207A Kidnapping attempt
    211 Robbery
    211A Robbery alarm
    211S Robbery alarm, silent
    217 Assault with intent to murder
    240 Assault
    242 Battery
    245 Assault with a deadly weapon
    246 Shooting at inhabited dwelling
    261 Rape
    261A Attempted rape
    273A Child neglect
    273D Felony wife beating
    288 Lewd conduct
    311 Indecent exposure
    314 Indecent exposure
    374B Illegal dumping
    390 Drunk
    390D Drunk, unconscious
    415 Disturbance
    417 Person with a gun
    417A Person with a knife
    459 Burglary
    459A Burglar alarm
    459S Burglar alarm, silent
    470 Forgery
    480 Hit and run, felony
    481 Hit and run, misdemeanor
    484 Petty theft
    487 Grand theft
    488 Petty theft
    502 Drunk driving
    503 Auto theft
    504 Tampering with a vehicle
    505 Reckless driving
    507 Public nuisance
    510 Speeding or racing vehicles
    586 Illegal parking
    594 Malicious mischief
    595 Runaway car
    604 Throwing missiles
    647 Lewd conduct
    653M Threatening phone calls
    5150 Mental case
    10851 Auto theft
    10852 Tampering with vehicle
    20001 Hit and run, felony
    20002 Hit and run, misdemeanor
    20007 Hit and run, unattended
    21958 Drunk pedestrian on roadway
    22350 Speeding
    22500 Illegal parking
    23101 Drunk driving – injuries
    23102 Drunk driving
    23103 Reckless driver
    23104 Reckless driver
    23105 Driver under narcotics
    23109 Racing
    23110 Person throwing objects at vehicles
    23151 Drunk driving – injuries
    23152 Drunk driver

    Police Scanner Color Codes

    Code Blue Bus or taxi in trouble
    Code Red VARDA (Voice Activated Radio Dispatched Alarm) activated
    Code Purple Gang activity

    Medical / Fire Status Codes

    Code 10 Critical trauma case
    Code 20 Acute trauma case
    Code 30 Trauma case
    Code 40 Serious case (IV started)
    Code 50 Basic transport (not serious)
    Code N Newsworthy event

    Additional Reading on Police Scanner Codes

    Got Something To Say:

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    1. Tabitha

      8 June, 2019 at 4:28 am

      Lol… I fully agree… I find this unusual as well… Quote” The phrase “police scanner” derives from the fact that the majority of scanner users take pleasure in listening to police radio broadcast.” unquote… What a strange reasoning for why it is called a police scanner. I just figured it derived from actually being a police scanner… 🤔

    2. Jane

      28 February, 2019 at 9:53 pm

      What is a 516? My campus is not informing me of what that code means.

    3. Apollo

      1 October, 2017 at 7:39 am

      What does it mean when they say 74-18 or 74-14?

    4. Anna

      15 September, 2017 at 2:00 am

      Kim I couldn’t agree more with you, we may be able to hear the codes and also look them up but no way are they going to give us access to check for warrants.

    5. Kim

      2 July, 2017 at 1:52 am

      Just to let you know. 10-29 reads,check for wants. I know you meant warrants. Just wanted to let you know in case you want to correct it Pretty sure they’re not going to be that accommodating. lol Thank you for the post.

    6. John

      12 June, 2017 at 1:40 am

      “A police scanner is basically a radio scanner that is also a receiver that receives wireless radio signals”…. What an odd sentence.

      • Tabitha

        8 June, 2019 at 4:23 am

        Lol… I fully agree…

    7. B. Rhoades

      22 February, 2012 at 2:50 am

      It would be good to note that PD no. 5 stated that codes and signals should be phased out in favor of plain English.

    8. James Miller

      1 March, 2011 at 2:06 am

      How can I get Codes for Harris County, Georgia Police, EMT and Fire Departments? Thanks.

      • robert

        23 March, 2011 at 12:44 am

             Go to Radio Reference.com   and you can get any police or fire channel in America for free…

    9. Jeff

      26 December, 2010 at 6:36 am

      need police scanner no. current for marshall and dekalb co. alabama. please send to p.o.box 87. geraldine al.35974. i have a 1000 channel radio shack hand held scanner for sale model pro. 97. call 256.557.4124. works great. already programed. 300.00 or trade for good laptop computer. ask for jeff. thank you.

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