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  • Satellite Television Descrambler

    Most satellite television is encrypted using conditional access systems such as:

    To watch these encrypted television channels, you need a box which can decrypt them. This box is sometimes referred to as a satellite television descrambler.

    Satellite Television Descramblers

    Most satellite television descamblers are legal boxes which are provided by legitimate resellers. These descramblers require valid subscriptions from the satellite television broadcasters.

    A few people sell “hacked” satellite television descramblers which are designed to provide satellite television service without paying a subscription fee. These hacked systems typically work for a few months until the satellite television broadcaster figures out how to shut them down.

    There are two different types of satellite television signals that you are able to receive and view: free-to-air (FTA), and premium services. Free-to-air satellite broadcasts are channels that can be received by anybody with an active satellite connection, legitimate receiver, and inside the local broadcast region. A descrambler is used to receive finest transmissions, such as pay-per-view or best channels like HBO.

    Satellite signals are communicated using an encryption algorithm that foils hacker from receiving and viewing the signal. Unless you have the proper descrambling gear, which include the algorithm keys that permit regular viewing, the signal comes in distorted and twisted form.

    Consider a descrambler as interpreter and the satellite signal as a foreign diplomat. The diplomat communicates to the interpreter, who then offers you with the data in a language that you can comprehend. In audio/visual vocabulary, the descrambler facilitates the correct audio and visual playback of the signal that you are receiving.

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    1. Frustrated tvwacher

      3 September, 2018 at 5:12 pm

      I am fine with the ota signals i get. Only thing I would like is Fox news. I had direct tv for years and they just kept going up and I was paying for a pile of carp I didn’t want such as OWN, MSNBC, CNN and lots more left wing clap trap. I even object to my money supporting these channels on an ideological and moral basis.
      Thus here I am.

      I live about 40 minutes outside of Austin so it would be nice to have a reception system that’s a little more reliable than my antenna which is always getting blown around.

      So I’m mostly looking for FTA but Fox new would be nice. I’d even pay them direct if there was a way to do it.

      I know that there’s a lot of others that feel the same. For some reason these cable companies are held bent on refusing ala cart service. Except n the case of ATT which now owns CNN so they have to do something to get their money out of that pig.

      • Dan

        18 August, 2019 at 2:39 pm

        I pity you.

    2. Sde munanire

      27 August, 2017 at 1:50 pm

      I have directv. I want to keep the basic service that I have but I would like to purchase a descrambler or cheater box that will allow me to view the scrambled and ppv channels in their programming. When I have legit cable services, I had descrambler boxes that work with it that lasted 7 years before I moved away.

    3. Steve

      5 May, 2012 at 7:21 pm

      I have dish tv and they keep going up on the price. Where can I buy a satellite tv black box that will hook up to my sylvania tv?

    4. john

      30 April, 2012 at 5:12 pm

      I need to know how to hook up a dsrmble boxto my tv syep by step and how to operate

    5. matthewhamernick

      27 February, 2012 at 11:00 pm

      wanting to get direct tv want to get a cheater box or what ever i need where do i go to get on an what are the price ranges

      • Jim Boerner

        24 February, 2017 at 12:32 am

        Me too. Dude if you find one email me will ya? Jb0579@yahoo.com

        Much obliged, good luck

    6. ylmc

      11 November, 2011 at 5:48 am

      how i can acquire your satellite  descrambler so i can be able to get premium satellite channels?

    7. anthony souffront

      6 July, 2011 at 8:21 pm

      can you please tell me how i can acquire your satellite tv descrambler so i can be able to get premium satellite channels. i have a 22 ” dish antenna, a couple of receivers such as a    viewsat extreme 2000, sonic view 360 elite, satzen z-300, and finally a lexium dbs 7000 .but no channels . thank you , please advice  God bless

    8. anthony souffront

      6 July, 2011 at 8:15 pm

      whom can i talk to or login to what website to get help. i would like to aquire info or purchase what ever i need to be able to get the premium satellite channels or find out more information on satellilite descrambler. i have a 22″ dish antenna and couple of receivers such as viewsat extreme 2000 , sonic view 360 elite, satzen z-z300 , and finally an lexium dbs 7000 . but no channels .   thank you 

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