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  • Dish Network Satellites

    Dish Network, and their previously separated partner, EchoStar, have launched dozens of satellites over the past decade in order to provide direct broadcast satellite television services to their subscribers. While each satellite location, known as an “orbital location” provides services to a different region of the Earth, many of the orbital locations contain multiple satellites to increase available bandwidth and provide redundancy to cover any inoperable satellites in the area. Likewise, satellites in one orbital location can still provide service to satellite receivers in an area designated to a nearby orbital location if they are positioned close enough. While the following are not the only satellites Dish Network uses, they are the most commonly used satellites.

    Dish Network Satellites

    The 61.5W orbital location is designated as a spare satellite to the 110W and 119W orbital locations, which are Dish Network’s primary satellites. The 61.5W orbital location is known as EchoStar III and was launched on October 5, 1997. The LM A2100AX satellite found at the 61.5W orbital location connects to 32 Ku transponders.



    The 110W orbital location features the EchoStar VI Loral FS-1300 satellite that was launched on July 14, 2000 and the EchoStar VIII Loral FS-1300 that was launched on August 21, 2002, both of which connect to 32 Ku transponders. When Dish Network released the Dish 500 satellite receiver, they created the 110W location in order to provide subscribers with channels that were not yet available from the 119W location. Generally, whenever a subscriber purchases Pay-Per-View channels or additional packages that were not included in his/her original channel package, the user is connecting to the 110W location.



    Like the 110W orbital location, the 119W location is a primary satellite of Dish Network and is used to provide subscribers with all basic channels and packages. The 119W location features the EchoStar IV LM A2100AX satellite that was launched on May 8, 1998 as well as the EchoStar V Loral FS-1300 that was launched on September 23, 1999 and the EchoStar VII LM A2100AX that was launched on February 21, 2002, all of which connect to 32 Ku transponders.


    Designation Launch Date Orbit Satellite Transponders
    EchoStar I 12/28/95 148W LM 7000 16 Ku
    EchoStar II 9/10/96 148W LM 7000 16 Ku
    EchoStar III 10/5/97 61.5W LM A2100AX 32 Ku
    EchoStar IV 5/8/98 119W LM A2100AX 32 Ku
    EchoStar V 9/23/99 119W Loral FS-1300 32 Ku
    EchoStar VI 7/14/00 110W Loral FS-1300 32 Ku
    EchoStar VII 2/21/2002 119W LM A2100AX 32 Ku
    EchoStar VIII 8/21/2002 110W Loral FS-1300 32 Ku
    EchoStar IX/Telstar 13 8/7/03 121W Loral FS-1300 32 Ku and 2 Ka

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    1. John Schoenradt

      31 October, 2019 at 9:45 pm

      I have a bird dog ultra, I tune my dish network satellite’s every 14 days as we live in a 5th wheel. My question is when I travel to northern New Mexico, southern Colorado satellite 129 is coming in on my 110 LMB. I tune in 119, then 110 but my receiver only picks up 129, and 119 in that order.. what am I doing incorrect. V/R John Schoenradt

    2. Edward Spalding

      12 October, 2019 at 3:12 pm

      I have a motorhome with a KVH Tracvision dish and a VIP 211 K box. I can only get satellite 72.5. I cannot lock onto 110 or 119. I have talked to Dish technicians to no avail. Do you have any suggestions as to what I can do. My Dish account nr is : 8255 9098 1013 5118. I have been using my system for 10 plus years with no problems.


      13 July, 2019 at 7:06 pm

      I have dish in Central Florida and am consistently having channel signal concerns so I took it upon myself to start looking into it. I called dish and they mentioned that at my location, I should be using 62 and/or 72. I have repositioned my dish several times using different locator apps and angle meters etc. It seems that the only satellite that I can actually connect with is 77. I am currently trying to grab both of the satallites 62 and 72 with my multi LNB
      dish and am having some trouble.

    4. Mark

      22 May, 2019 at 3:17 am

      Yes you can. No matter what the techs tell you. After my third tech visit. I asked him to install 2 dishes to pick up all three satellites. 2 on one and 1 on the other. Works great

    5. Ben Wilson

      1 March, 2019 at 3:29 pm

      What about sat at 129?
      Is there a list of the channels on each sat and transponders?

      I’ve got interference from some pesky palm trees, and I’m not getting sat at 110 very well.

    6. mark hall

      2 May, 2017 at 3:45 am

      my question is this. In our area the tech could only locate and register two of the three sats 110 and 119. 129 could not be included in the view. can we still install service with just the two?

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