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  • What Port Number is XXX on?

    The way that most services work under TCP/IP is that the server is configured to use a well known port number and the client connects from a random high port.

    Most of these well known ports are port numbers below 1,024. High ports are ports 1,024 or above.

    In the old days, ports below 1,024 were known as trusted ports. On Unix machines, only a user or process with root privileges is able to open an outgoing port below 1,024.

    With the proliferation of Windows and single-user Unix systems, the trusted port model no longer works.

    A few of the most common well known ports are:

    Service Port
    FTP 20,21
    SSH 22
    telnet 23
    SMTP 25
    DNS 53
    DHCP 67,68
    TFTP 69
    HTTP 80
    POP3 110
    NNTP 119
    NTP 123
    IMAP4 143
    LDAP 389
    HTTPS 443
    IMAPS 993
    RADIUS 1812
    AIM 5190

    The file /etc/services on most Unix machines lists the port assignments for that machine.

    On Windows, TCP/IP port assignments are stored in the C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32DRIVERSETCSERVICES file.

    The original complete list of port assignments was in RFC 1700 – Assigned Numbers.

    The most current official list of port assignments is maintained by the IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) at http://www.iana.org/assignments/port-numbers.

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    One comment
    1. Are Hoel

      18 August, 2014 at 6:41 am

      On (most) Linux systems you can use netstat to see what process uses what port by adding switches: -l to show listening ports and -p to show PID/executeable. I usually add -n to avoid resolving ip and port names.

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